In addition to Charter members of the Club and an array of guests from the Montreal area, a number of members of the District Governor group were in attendance with their spouses - DG Pardeep Ahluwalia and Simmy Ahluwalia, IPDG Michel Wong Kee Song and Suzanne, PDG Hadi Mortada and Teresa, PDG Nabil Oudeh and Gayle Oudeh, and PDG Ariane Carriere, who presented Rotary pins to those Charter members of Montreal Cedars who were present.
Please click "Read more" for President Maha Maalouf-Kassouf's full story of the club's founding.
“Imagine Rotary” IRIPP Jennifer Jones in order to
“Create Hope in the World” RI P Gordon R. Mclnally
“Create Hope in the World” RI P Gordon R. Mclnally
Rotary, this magical word that changes the world! Professionals and leaders share their passion for Rotary around the world. This passion which never ceases to open opportunities for effective and beneficial action, which urges us to act with clear and just objectives, confirming the decision to respect values and to safeguard human dignity for the citizens of the world! Rotarians combine their collective resources to improve the lives of others and hold to heart the motto: “Service Above Self and One Profits Most Who Serves Best.” This conviction materialized on June 30, 1999, the date on which I received, as founding President, the charter of the Rotary Club of Zahlé-Békaa, District 2450, in Lebanon. Twenty-five years already! The enthusiasm is renewed and the challenge, too, was always overcome and won!
I hereby pay tribute to each member of the Rotarian family, convinced that solidarity and service change the world. I thank the Rotarians and leaders of District 7040 who have woven a story of success in the face of the tragic explosion in the port of Beirut on August 4, 2020. The calamity of this gigantic explosion amplified the disaster experienced in Lebanon, Land of Cedars, and still persists today… In a matter of seconds, almost half of the capital disappeared. Armed with resilience, determination, and courage, it is thanks to the Rotarians of Lebanon and you, Rotarians, and Leaders of District 7040, who did not hesitate to help a bruised and afflicted Lebanon.
Allow me to salute here, first of all, the PDG Hadi Mortada who succeeded in promoting this cause and participating on behalf of the clubs in the district in the project to equip the newborn unit of Beirut’s quarantine hospital, which was destroyed by the explosion. Secondly, I would like to share with you the journey of a Rotarian friendship that has grown and evolved since 2010. Canadian of Lebanese origin, established in Lebanon, it was at the Rotary International Convention in Montreal in 2010 that I met IPDG Michel Wong Kee Song who introduced me to RC of Old Montreal. In 2019, I settled permanently in Montreal. Since then, every time I am in town, I diligently attend their meetings, encouraged by the warm welcome and the friendly atmosphere.
The various socio-economic crises in Lebanon made the situation unsustainable. Over the course of three years, RC of Old Montreal, and RC Zahlé-Békaa supported each other. This made it possible to carry out projects for the distribution of food supplies and medicines essential to the survival of populations in disadvantaged areas. In fact, the valuable contribution of the RC of Old Montreal with the RC Zahlé-Békaa allowed the conveyance of necessary funds to partake in the rehabilitation project of 75 apartments. This project, which cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and required the intervention of several partners from Canada and various countries, came to an end in 2021. Recovering its livelihood from ashes and fracas has revived hope of a dignified life for the 75 families concerned. Let us salute together the protagonists of this exceptional act reflecting the solidarity and fraternity which has been able to rebuild tranquility for traumatized families.
After years of collaboration, the esteem and gratitude of Rotary’s Lebanese Canadian community encouraged us, PP Joseph Maalouf and me, to think about establishing a Rotary Club capable of concretizing and sealing this cooperation. Encouraged by IPDG Michel and taking into consideration the two themes of P. Jennifer Jones and P. Gordon R. Mclnally, it was decided to establish the RC of Montreal Cedars.
“Imagine Rotary”
“Fulfilling big dreams by taking action. We all have dreams, acting on them is a choice we make”
“Create Hope in the World”
“Working to promote peace and mental health wellness… to substantiate these values”
“Fulfilling big dreams by taking action. We all have dreams, acting on them is a choice we make”
“Create Hope in the World”
“Working to promote peace and mental health wellness… to substantiate these values”
Thus, the establishment of the RC of Montreal Cedars was approved in June 2023. I reiterate my most sincere thanks to the RC of Old Montreal, presidents, and members, who sponsored this new club.
In closing, I would like to salute Governor Pardeep Ahluwalia of District 7040, its past and current Leaders, and all of our fellow Rotarians and friends from clubs in the district.
Maha Maalouf Kassouf
Charter President 2023-2024
Rotary Club of Montreal Cedars
story updated 10 June 2024