The District's DEI committee is here to help, with inspiring speakers at our committee meeting, 7:00pm the third Monday of each month, and a growing list of speakers that can be found on the DEI webpage: https://rotary7040.com/page/diversity-equity-and-inclusion. Join us and hear what you've been missing. Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84234784167?pwd=U0hqWEpzWWJkUVdzZ3d6NFJpZDd4Zz09 Speakers are in English with French captions.
Many clubs may think they don’t have connections to find good speakers from diverse backgrounds. However, with some outreach, clubs may find many community leaders and local role models willing to share their experiences, and who recognize that speaking to a Rotary club is an opportunity for exposure and to educate attendees. Local non-profits, places of worship, community centres and advocacy organizations are all good places for clubs to start looking for these inspiring speakers.
If clubs do not make changes to become more inclusive, they risk losing relevance in their communities and missing the opportunity to address critical issues of today. By actively seeking out and listening to a variety of voices, clubs can better reflect the experiences of their communities, fostering growth and ensuring long-term success.
If clubs do not make changes to become more inclusive, they risk losing relevance in their communities and missing the opportunity to address critical issues of today. By actively seeking out and listening to a variety of voices, clubs can better reflect the experiences of their communities, fostering growth and ensuring long-term success.
De nombreux Rotary clubs ont encore du mal à attirer et à fidéliser des membres diversifiés et inclusifs qui représentent pleinement leurs communautés. Écouter et entrer en contact avec divers orateurs est une étape simple qui peut commencer à faire la différence. En écoutant avec un esprit et un cœur ouverts, les membres seront exposés à de nouvelles idées, renforceront leur compréhension et seront mieux en mesure d'apprécier les points de vue des autres. C'est quelque chose qui renforcera le Rotary pour les générations à venir.
Le comité DEI du district est là pour vous aider, avec des conférenciers inspirants lors de notre réunion de comité, à 19h00 le troisième lundi de chaque mois, et une liste croissante de conférenciers qui peuvent être trouvés sur la page Web DEI: https://rotary7040.com/page/diversity-equity-and-inclusion. Rejoignez-nous et écoutez ce que vous avez manqué. Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84234784167?pwd=U0hqWEpzWWJkUVdzZ3d6NFJpZDd4Zz09 Les intervenants sont en anglais avec des sous-titres en français.