Some of you have participated in The Rotary Friendship exchanges in the past, for others who don’t know what this is, continue reading.
Rotary Friendship Exchanges lets Rotarians in one part of the world experience life in another country or culture. Through person-to-person connections across national boundaries international understanding and goodwill are advanced. On a Rotary Friendship Exchange, you are not just a tourist.
Each Exchange is organized around one or more of the following themes:
Cultural: Experiences highlighting a region's ethnicity, food, language, history, places and symbols of significance, and more.
Service: Opportunities for hands-on project involvement and support.
Vocational: Exploring specific professions or jobs in a different cultural context.
All guided by friends in Rotary, exchange participants take turns hosting and visiting one another, forging friendships that last a lifetime. All exchanges are funded by the participants, and hosts are not expected to assume a significant financial burden. Visitors pay their own way, but are rewarded with warm hospitality and an international travel experience unlike any other.