International Service Committee
Each quarter, an Agenda is emailed to all Club Presidents, Presidents-Elect, Community Service Chairs, International Service Chairs, Foundation Chairs and others who have regularly attended our meetings. Every email also contains the pertinent documents we will discuss and to which we will refer in the meeting. We don't provide hard copies (save trees!) so bring your laptop or tablet or even your phone to access them. We hope you review ahead of time, too.
Our quarterly Learning By Query segment brings to life a current or recently closed grant from which we all can learn. These are pre-selected prior to the meeting. If you would like to present, you will have 5-6 minutes to do so and sending your PowerPoint slides at least 3 weeks in advance of the meeting is required. Submit to DISC Bonnie at:
If your club wants to promote an idea or current possible project, please inform our DISC ahead of time and bring enough copies - a QR Code is perfect - so all in attendance may discern if it's something for their club. We do not encourage solicitations at our meetings.
The 'basic' information about our District Resource Network include:
- rotary_action_groups_flier_en..pdf
- take_action_work_with_rotary_experts_en.pdf
- REVISED Community Needs Assessment Workbook
- District Grants handout 0822 ISC Mtg.docx
- Guide to Global Grants.pdf
- Terms and Conditions for Rotary Foundation Global Grants.pdf
- Change Planning Framework
- Project Planning Framework
- Project Planning Resources
- Take Action Work With Rotary Expert
- Take First Step Projects Grants Infographic
August 2024 Quarterly Meeting ISC Powerpoint & Learning By Query Powerpoint are below to download.
If you are interested in receiving any of the documents from any prior meetings, including the PowerPoints used, please email District International Service Chair, Bonnie Black, at:
Watch the five-part webinar series designed to support you and your club with developing effective projects with lasting, sustainable impact (Planning a Project: Design for Results in Rotary Membership Webinars on Vimeo). Learn directly from Rotarians and Rotaractors on the tools and strategies they use to plan, find resources for, implement, and evaluate projects. Webinar topics include:
- Promoting Projects: Tell Your Story
- Planning a Project: Design for Results
- Finding Project Partners and Resources: Build an Effective Team
- Measuring Results: Demonstrate Your Impact
- Expanding Reach: Partner with Youth in Service
Our District Grants website is accessible at: https://myrotaryprojects.orgYou will need to register if you choose to APPLY for DISTRICT GRANTS from your Club; you will receive access within a few days. Anyone can view the published projects at any time without access to posting your club's projects or potential grant application...this is the ONLY way to submit a District Simplified or Matching Grant prior to April 30th of each year or to submit information on a potential Global Grant project as we no longer provide time for solicitations at our meetings. This is a MUCH more effective manner to find a District partner and ascertain interest.
Resources you will find effective as you plan for your grant:
Remember to use our DISTRICT RESOURCE NETWORK to help shape your upcoming project/grant!

PURPOSE: To stimulate and assist clubs or groups of clubs to undertake International Service to improve lives and meet human needs, and thus advance world understanding, good will and peace.
Our International Service Committee (ISC) offers all Rotarians an opportunity for international fellowship through humanitarianism. As we embrace these opportunities, we can also gain professional development and join networks of other Districts memberships supporting our programs beyond local borders.
With the call from Rotary International to be the Magic of Rotary, we can help those in need and we have the ability to inspire and focus a new, younger generation of Rotarians and Rotaractors. From our global quest to eradicate polio, to our District’s quest to address malnutrition in children, digging water wells in Haiti, the Gift of Life for children around the world, programs in Ethiopia, Peru, Nepal, Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa, Columbia, Niger, Kenya, Ghana, Ukraine and beyond, our committee continues to grow and address global issues.
The work of Rotary begins in the community, and every community has its own unique needs and concerns. While we serve in countless ways, we’ve focused our efforts in 7 key areas to maximize our impact. These areas encompass some of the world’s most critical and widespread humanitarian needs, and we have a proven record of success in addressing them:
- Peace and conflict prevention/resolution
- Disease prevention and treatment
- Water and sanitation
- Maternal and child health
- Basic education and literacy
- Environmental
- Economic and community development
Rotary District 7040 International Service:
The Rotary District 7040 International Service website ( features information about several ongoing projects. Rotary District 7040 encourages participation of all District 7040 clubs and members in these projects.
Our upcoming quarterly meetings with our District Foundation Committee are on Saturdays at the Seaway Valley Theatre in Cornwall. Our dates remaining for 24-25 are February 22nd and May 31st. REGISTER under EVENTS on the Home Page at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting date.
We will continue with IMPACT Tabletop Activities as we did in October - we'll look at a WASH Project in March and a Community Economic Development Project during our last meeting for this Rotary year. Understand IMPACT results for your projects (District or Global) through tabletop discussions and discernment - it all comes to life!
Please visit our Grant website where you can see our most recent District Grants and some of our completed Global Grants! All applications for District Grants need to be submitted through this website as well as the Final Reports for District Grants:
Contact for more information on Rotary District 7040 International Service projects:
PDGBonnie Black, 2022-2028
Rotary International Service resources:
Additional information is available on the Rotary International website
Rotary International has published the International Services Handbook: A Guide to Matching Grants for International Humanitarian Projects. This handbook provides valuable information about IS projects and how to apply for grants and offers insight as to how clubs can become involved.
Additional information is available on the Rotary International website
Rotary International has published the International Services Handbook: A Guide to Matching Grants for International Humanitarian Projects. This handbook provides valuable information about IS projects and how to apply for grants and offers insight as to how clubs can become involved.
The International Service Handbook and other International Service resources are available for download in PDF format from the Rotary International Download Center at Rotary International.
Got questions about a possible District or Global Grant for your club? Make sure you use our District Resource Network. Look to the left under RESOURCES to find out more!