I have been attending the Learning and Development Sessions over the course of this Rotary Year and I have to commend Paul Elsley and the L&D team for the excellence that I have observed in the selection of topics and speakers for these sessions. By way of example, I will mention that session on February 20th in which several presenters showcased the sections of our District Website. Even for someone like me who is on the website regularly I acquired new information. I also know how topical such a session was given feedback that I hear regularly about Rotarians having difficulty navigating through the website.
I know that we all attend many Rotary meetings and that Rotary is not the only aspect of our lives but if you are unable to attend one of these session please know that they are all recorded and available for you to watch. To listen to a recording of one or more of these sessions go to the District Website, click on Learning & Development, scroll down and at the bottom of the page on the left hand side click on “Recorded 7040 Videos”.
Story updated 10 June 2024