So, what is your club’s Strategic Plan?

Posted by Bonnie Black
We now look at creating our long-term plans and goals as our Action Plan. This year, our District created a districtwide plan to get things started; it’s based on the RI Action Plan for this year. At our District Conference at the end of April, we’ll spend time on Saturday afternoon looking at tweaking our District’s Plan for 25-26 as well as looking at your Club’s plan for next Rotary year. By the way, it’s important that EVERY club member is aware of your Club’s plan, otherwise it only belongs to a few and you won’t accomplish much. Plan on providing your members a copy of your most recent Plan. Begin talking among all of your members about where you’d like to take it, especially after looking at your community’s needs (check with your United Way for recent data). This will be a great place to begin, so get started and then bring your draft to our Conference in Ottawa, April 25 th & 26 th . We’ll help move your Club forward through ACTION!
So, what is your club’s Strategic Plan? Bonnie Black 2025-02-01 05:00:00Z 0

You Can't Take It With You, But You Can Make It Last Forever: Bequests!

Posted by Bonnie Black
A wonderful way to support the Rotary Foundation is to make a bequest as part of your estate planning. Like any Rotary donation, you have choices where the money can go. Giving to the Endowment will spread your gift over many, many years, in the specific way you want it to work. Giving to Annual Share will support future District- led projects. Giving to our Peace Centers or an Area of Focus directs your funds exactly where you want them to work. Find out more from our District Endowment Chair, PDG Sue Bellor or committee member, PDG Bonnie Black. Whether in New York or in Canada, they can guide you to The Rotary Foundation Major Giving Officer to help you make the proper arrangements.
You Can't Take It With You, But You Can Make It Last Forever: Bequests! Bonnie Black 2025-02-01 05:00:00Z 0

Conference 2025 Schedule



DG Teresa Whitmore welcomes all Rotary members, family and friends to joins us for the weekend and, when we say DENIM and Diamonds, we mean it!  No suits, cocktail dresses, sports jackets and ties or high heels required!
Get to know our Zone’s current RI Board member, Chris Etienne, as she joins us for the weekend.
Catch up on District goings-on and then you’re off to dinner-on-your-own at a variety of eateries just down the street from the Infinity Center and the Hampton Inn.  You’ll get a choice of establishments offering us discounts or other special offerings for our dining pleasure that evening.


Chris Etienne, our Zone's current RI Board member, will join us all of our Saturday events.  In the morning and at lunch, she will update us on what is happening at the RI level and what’s to come in 25-26.
Richard Kyte will discuss ideas regarding CONNECTIONS as featured in his article in the August Rotary magazine on Saturday morning.  We will interact with him as he speaks about making your Club one of the Third Place locations in your community where you and your members can build stronger connections and a higher attraction value for people looking to break the loneliness and isolation feeling so many are experiencing since the pandemic.
Shab El Awar, who has extensive experience in International Service, will inspire us at Saturday's lunch.  He will tell his Rotary Moments experienced through global service projects and how easy it is to become engaged making an IMPACT in the world, your club and yourself.  Become passionate about Rotary while you enjoy our time breaking bread together.
You won’t have to fight LUNCH COMA at this Conference!  We’re going to keep you up and moving around experiencing our District’s ACTION Plan as you help mold what you, your Club and our District will look forward to beginning 1 July.
Join a special LINE DANCING session for 30-minutes before relaxing in your room for a bit.  You’ll be able to kick up your heels after dinner with the best of them!
‘Magic’ will be happening throughout the Conference on Saturday afternoon!   And watch as a special original piece of art is created as events unfold all day on Saturday – you can own it yourself, if you attend the Saturday Night Dinner!
Our HOUSE of FRIENDSHIP will be open Friday afternoon and all day on Saturday, closing at 5pm.  Get ideas for YOUR club and see how you can integrate into the Action Plan.
Our SILENT AUCTION will begin Friday afternoon, too, as members bring their items in by 3pm.  You can get a glimpse online ahead of time – all proceeds will again go to The Rotary Foundation.
An invitation-only RECEPTION for all Major Donors as well as Legacy donors (Benefactors and Bequest Donors as well as Endowed Funds) will be held immediately prior to our GOVERNOR’S BANQUET which will include line dancing and more after dessert.
Conference 2025 Schedule 2025-01-19 05:00:00Z 0

Denim and Diamonds House of Friendship!

The House of Friendship is where you will connect with like-minded Rotarians and friends.  Here, you can learn and be inspired through fun, conversation and interaction. Clubs are encouraged to book a table, It’s free! Showcase your PROJECT, RAG, favourite FELLOWSHIP or the beneficiaries of your project, You can fundraise for the project you showcase:  A raffle or sell cookies, preserves, books, cards, seeds etc.
BOOK your table now - IT IS FREE and as EASY as one short hassle-free email!  Deadline: MARCH 15, 2025. There are limited booths  available for fundraising. MORE INFORMATION HERE
Denim and Diamonds House of Friendship! 2025-01-13 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Leadership Institute

Posted by Bonnie Black
On January 5th, our District 7040 Rotary Leadership Institute graduated our third Part III class completing their Undergraduate Level.  Left to right are:  Eowyn Doud (Massena), Colleen Mathieu (Montreal Ville-Marie), Terry Brouillet (Cornwall Sunrise), Peter Labelle (Cornwall Sunrise), Amanda Tedford (Arnprior), Julie Cugalj (Ottawa South) and Kathryn Mullany (Canton).
Rotary Leadership Institute Bonnie Black 2025-01-13 05:00:00Z 0

A Peak at the Denim and Diamonds Conference

Chris Etienne, our Zone's current RI Board member, will join us for the District Conference. Richard Kyte will discuss ideas regarding Connections as featured in his article in the August Rotary magazine on Saturady morning, and Shab El Awar, who has extensive experience in International Service, will inspire us at Saturday's lunch.
There will be ‘magic’ throughout the Conference! And we mean it when we say DENIM and Diamonds - no suits or sports jackets and ties required!    #DCOttawa25
A Peak at the Denim and Diamonds Conference Bonnie Black 2025-01-02 05:00:00Z 0

January is Vocational Service Month

Rotary Club of Chicago emblem, circa 1906
Vocational Service Month connects directly to Rotary's origins in 1905 Chicago as a professional networking group where members from different vocations could exchange business opportunities.
Paul Harris founded Rotary after feeling isolated in Chicago's impersonal business environment. Growing up in Wallingford, Vermont, with its close-knit community and interconnected business relationships, strongly influenced his later vision for Rotary. This contrasted sharply with the impersonal business culture he encountered in Chicago as an adult.
January is Vocational Service Month 2025-01-02 05:00:00Z 0

5 Things I Wish All Rotarians Knew (and Believed) about Membership

Posted by Jamie Johnstone
We are at the halfway point of the Rotary Year and I came across this article from Zone 33 on Membership that I want to share with you:
1) Nothing Else Matters -- Rotary is a membership organization and our product is service; If you get Membership right, pretty much everything else takes care of itself. If you don't get membership right, everything else is a struggle for the whole year. Work on membership first, get your membership committee up and running first, and then attend to other priorities. Make sure your membership chair is 100% committed to membership growth, and to getting started in April or May (the April or May before the next Rotary year). And that the Membership Chair has a committee. NOTE: A committee cannot be one member!
5 Things I Wish All Rotarians Knew (and Believed) about Membership Jamie Johnstone 2025-01-02 05:00:00Z 0

Wishing You A Wonderful New Year!

Posted by DG Tess Whitmore
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
As we step into 2025, I am filled with gratitude and optimism when I reflect on our district's achievements and the dedication each of you has shown to Service Above Self. Your unwavering commitment to making our communities—and our world—better places continues to inspire me every day.
As we begin this new year, I encourage each club to think boldly about how we can expand our impact. The world needs Rotary's leadership and values more than ever. Whether it's addressing climate change, supporting peace initiatives, or strengthening local businesses, our diverse perspectives and professional expertise uniquely position us to create lasting change.
Wishing You A Wonderful New Year! DG Tess Whitmore 2025-01-02 05:00:00Z 0

Welcome Our Newest AG

DG Tess visits Alexandria Bay - Alan on right
Newly appointed Area Governor Alan Taylor is bringing his proven leadership to a broader role in Rotary. Currently serving as president of the Alexandria Bay Rotary club, Alan has been a dedicated Rotarian since 2013. As AG Alan will help guide clubs in continuing their vital community service work.
Welcome Our Newest AG 2025-01-02 05:00:00Z 0

Dinner with Jennifer Jones

Posted by Elsabé Falkson
Queen’s University conferred an Honorary Doctor of Law degree on Jennifer Jones during the Fall Convocation. Rotarians celebrated that she was chosen by Queen’s community members for her outstanding achievements and contributions to local, national, and global communities.
Dinner with Jennifer Jones Elsabé Falkson 2025-01-01 05:00:00Z 0

Elsabé Falkson Governor for 27-28

Elsabé Falkson's journey spans continents and communities. Her commitment to community service and extensive volunteer experience demonstrates exceptional leadership capabilities and community impact across multiple domains.
Elsabé Falkson Governor for 27-28 2025-01-01 05:00:00Z 0
Global Grant Scholar Awarded Rhodes Scholarship Barbara Fisk 2025-01-01 05:00:00Z 0

Who Ya Gonna Call?  NOT Ghostbusters!

Posted by Christopher Thompson
If you have a mission, in your neighbourhood, who you gonna call?
If you need support, and it don’t look good, who you gonna call?
We ain’t ‘fraid of no work …
Who Ya Gonna Call? NOT Ghostbusters! Christopher Thompson 2025-01-01 05:00:00Z 0

Transform Lives Through The Rotary Foundation

Posted by DG Tess Whitmore
Throughout November, Rotary clubs worldwide celebrate the impactful work of The Rotary Foundation, highlighting the organization’s successes while anticipating the challenges and opportunities the future holds. I am proud to be part of this remarkable legacy of service above self. Together, we create lasting change in communities around the world.
The Rotary Foundation distributes over $1 million USD daily in grants to projects that change lives forever. From eradicating polio to bringing clean water to communities in need, our work touches millions of lives. What makes The Rotary Foundation extraordinary is our unparalleled efficiency and effectiveness. Our contributions are matched and multiplied through Rotary's extensive partnership network, maximizing our impact. It's no wonder we've maintained Charity Navigator's highest four-star rating since 2008—a distinction earned by only 1% of charities.
Join me November 13 in celebrating and supporting the Rotary Foundation at a very special dinner in Kingston, Ontario with Past Rotary President Jennifer Jones. Seating is limited so please REGISTER by Friday, November 8th.
Transform Lives Through The Rotary Foundation DG Tess Whitmore 2024-11-02 04:00:00Z 0

Kingston Frontenac Rotary Club: Building Stronger Communities Through Service

Posted by Arja Hamalainen
To acknowledge World Polio Day, our club, Kingston Frontenac, had a proclamation from the City of Kingston, an article in the Whig Standard, and a Social Media presence. We hosted a Purple Pinkie night at our club, with a generous donation to Polio Plus , and we also conducted a Purple Pinkie Day at Springer Market Square, generating additional funds and raising awareness, with help from the Kingston Club and the Rotaract Club.
Kingston Frontenac Rotary Club: Building Stronger Communities Through Service Arja Hamalainen 2024-11-01 04:00:00Z 0
Kingston Rotarians Participate in The International Travel Hosting Fellowship Carol Cartier 2024-11-01 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Cataraqui-Kingston Project Supported by Global Grant Bill Egnatoff 2024-11-01 04:00:00Z 0

Kingston Rotarians Part of Scotland Rotary Curling Tour

Fellow Rotarians that have gone on this exchange have told me this is an incredible experience that has been going on for over 60 years! The combination of curling, a sport rich in tradition, and the cultural exchange through Rotary makes for a very memorable trip. Scotland, being the birthplace of curling, will offer a unique opportunity to connect with the sport's roots while meeting fellow Rotarians from across the pond. Scotland’s beautiful landscapes and welcoming spirit will be the perfect backdrop for this adventure. I am very excited to experience the local customs, learn new techniques, and to immerse myself in this wonderful Rotary Friendship Curling Exhange. - Mark Siemans
I've been hearing stories from past team members about this friendship exchange for 15+ years - as long as I've been in Rotary  I'm so unbelievably excited about this opportunity. Travel, fellowship, curling, and a few wee drams... a dream experience!  - Lindsey Foster
Kingston Rotarians Part of Scotland Rotary Curling Tour 2024-11-01 04:00:00Z 0
Seaway West Rotarians at the Kingston Fall Fair Paul Elsley 2024-11-01 04:00:00Z 0

From Few to Many: A Blueprint for Growing Small Rotary Clubs

Posted by Jamie Johnstone
Increasing membership in small Rotary Clubs can be challenging, but there are several effective strategies that can help attract new members and retain existing ones. Here are five key actions that small Rotary Clubs can implement to boost their membership: By implementing these strategies, small Rotary Clubs can effectively increase their membership base, ensuring sustained growth and greater community impact.
From Few to Many: A Blueprint for Growing Small Rotary Clubs Jamie Johnstone 2024-11-01 04:00:00Z 0

District Action Plan

Posted by Bonnie Black, Distict Action Plan advocate
district action plan
What do you consider the most valuable benefit of being part of Rotary International? For many, the advantages are clear:
  1. Global Reach: Rotary enables us to make a significant impact in communities around the world.
  2. Professional Growth: Membership offers opportunities for leadership development and expanding professional networks.
  3. Community Engagement: Being a part of Rotary means working alongside a diverse group of leaders committed to service.
What would you add to the list?

District Action Plan Bonnie Black, Distict Action Plan advocate 2024-11-01 04:00:00Z 0

World Polio Day October 24th

Posted by Martha Weaver, Bulletin editor
As we approach the final stages of our decades-long fight against polio, Rotarians worldwide continue to demonstrate unwavering dedication to this crucial cause. At the 2024 Concordia Annual Summit Rotary Deputy General Secretary Michele Berg highlighted the complex challenges we face, particularly the impact of climate change on our eradication efforts.
World Polio Day October 24th Martha Weaver, Bulletin editor 2024-10-01 04:00:00Z 0

Expanding Your Rotary Club's Social Media Presence

Posted by Dwight Brown, Public Image chair
In our recent Learning and Development session, many of you mentioned the importance of broadening your club's social media presence beyond Facebook. While Facebook remains a valuable tool, diversifying onto other platforms can help you engage different demographics and expand your reach. Click here for a brief overview of some popular platforms and the primary demographic groups that use them.
Expanding Your Rotary Club's Social Media Presence Dwight Brown, Public Image chair 2024-10-01 04:00:00Z 0

Pumpkins for a Polio Free World

Posted by Gayle Oudeh, President Rotary Club of Orléans
multi-colored pumpkins
As a proud member of Rotary International, I am dedicated to the organization's critical mission of polio eradication worldwide. The current global conflicts have unfortunately led to increased polio cases due to disrupted vaccination efforts. In recognition of World Polio Day on October 24 and the fall season, I will donate all profits from the sale of these paint-poured ceramic/composite pumpkins, ideal for both indoor and outdoor decor, to support Rotary's Polio Fund. Message me if you would like to purchase one. Click here for more images.
Pumpkins for a Polio Free World Gayle Oudeh, President Rotary Club of Orléans 2024-10-01 04:00:00Z 0

Chesterville's Unique Fundraising Project

project sign
The Rotary Club of Chesterville & District began their unique fundraising project in 1998-99. They alternate between soy beans and corn. All drying charges are waived as well as cost of seed, planting and harvesting. Last year brought $7,600, with a total since 1998 of $193,218.08. Does your club have a unique fundraiser?
Chesterville's Unique Fundraising Project 2024-10-01 04:00:00Z 0

Club Experience Matters Most

Posted by Jamie Johnstone, Membership chair
Rotary Club member satisfaction is primarily driven by the quality of the club experience, according to recent survey findings.
  • Meetings - Members should be able to relax and feel included.
  • Club Leaders - Members need to have their voices heard; club leaders need to listen to them, fostering a decision-making process that instills confidence in the membership.
  • Personal Growth - Members should be able to learn skills and grow through the opportunities offered by their club and Rotary.
  • Connections - Members should be able to build valuable relationships through Rotary membership.
  • Meaningful Actions - Members should feel that their club's actions are having an impact globally and locally.
Using the Membership Assessment Tools guide that includes the Member Satisfaction Survey, you can create an experience that matches your members' interests and expectations.
Club Experience Matters Most Jamie Johnstone, Membership chair 2024-10-01 04:00:00Z 0

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

orange symbols on white background
Each year, September 30 marks Canada's federal statutory holiday "National Day for Truth and Reconciliation", "Orange Shirt Day"; and in the US, the Indigenous-led commemorative "National Day of Remembrance for Indian Boarding School Survivors". To learn more about the painful history and ongoing impacts and of residential schools; and efforts towards  reconciliation visit: Canada's National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR), Orange Shirt Society, US Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative; and to see locations of the schools in both Canada and the US, the Interactive Digital Map of Indian Boarding Schools.
Contact District 7040's  HIP representative Rene Melchers for more information about Rotary related efforts towards reconciliation.
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 2024-09-30 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Reconnect Week 2024

Rotary and Rotaract clubs around the world are encouraged to create opportunities for Rotary program alumni to rediscover Rotary. Start by developing a plan to build strong relationships with current program participants as well as alumni.  Ask alumni to join a Rotary or Rotaract club, or encourage alumni to start new clubs.
Rotary alumni are leaders and innovators who are eager to give back to their communities. During Reconnect Week, 7-13 October - and throughout the year, plan special alumni events, invite alumni to participate in service projects, or ask them to attend club meetings or other Rotary events. If you have questions, write to
Rotary Reconnect Week 2024 2024-09-24 04:00:00Z 0

Club Excellence Award

Rotary Citation logo
The Club Excellence awards, formerly the Rotary Citation awards recognize the hard work clubs do throughout the year. Achieving the goals in 2023-2024 were: Cataraqui-Kingston, Cornwall, Cornwall Sunrise, D7040 Passport, E-Club of District 7040-Premier, Gananoque, Kemptville, Massena. Orléans, Ottawa-Stittsville, Petawawa, Potsdam, and Westmount. CONGRATULATIONS!
Your Rotary, Rotaract, or Interact club can earn a Club Excellence Award for achieving goals that strengthen Rotary and your club. Simply review all the available goals, select at least half of them, achieve those goals, and report your achievement in Rotary Club Central.
Club Excellence Award 2024-09-01 04:00:00Z 0
A Successful First Edition for the Montréal Mystery Festival Jacinthe Paille, Literacy Chair 2024-09-01 04:00:00Z 0

As Rotarians we are building a brighter, more equitable future for all

Posted by DG Teresa Whitmore
two women with pride flag
Linda Truglia and DG Tess Whitmore
As Rotarians, our commitment to "Service Above Self" extends to all members of our global community, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Supporting and embracing 2SLGBTQ+ people is not just a matter of inclusivity — it's a fundamental expression of our core values of diversity, equity, and respect for human dignity. By actively supporting this community and welcoming its members into Rotary, we can make a significant impact in creating a more just and equitable society.
I was thrilled to be joined on August 24th  by fellow Rotarians, including DGE Graeme Fraser, for our second annual participation in the Capital Pride Walk/Run to raise funds for Bruce House. And, proud that we were the top team, raising over $1500. Bruce House brings hope, housing and support to individuals and families impacted by HIV in Ottawa and area.
As Rotarians we are building a brighter, more equitable future for all DG Teresa Whitmore 2024-09-01 04:00:00Z 0

Summer's Last Page: Wisdom from Environmental Reads

Posted by Jenn Grisi, Environmental Chair
book cover
What inspires you to take action?  The Environment Committee would like to share the following book and podcast titles that have at least made us think and in some cases moved us to action. (We’d love to hear what you’ve been reading and listening to so please let us know via email.)
Peter Wohlleben’s, “The Secret Wisdom of Nature,” would definitely be on my list. His books are succinct and approachable.  The interconnectedness of all things is amazing. I sincerely believe that storytellers like Wohlleben inspire others to treasure the planet we are part of… simply by inspiring a sense of wonder and awe. Fascination is a great motivator for taking action.  - Pam Hudson, Rotary Club of Ganonocque
Summer's Last Page: Wisdom from Environmental Reads Jenn Grisi, Environmental Chair 2024-08-31 04:00:00Z 0

Empowering Minds, Changing Lives: Our District's Commitment to Literacy

Posted by Jacinthe Paillé, Literacy Chair
Across our district, Rotary clubs are spearheading transformative programs that don't just support basic education and literacy—they ignite a lifelong love of learning. Let's explore how these initiatives are making a profound impact:
Bereading logo
Unleashing Potential with Free Reading
The Rotary clubs of Ottawa and West Ottawa are at the forefront of the Free Reading Program, a game-changer in early education. This professional, comprehensive, and engaging online literacy program is opening doors for children from Kindergarten to Grade 6. By making English literacy fun and accessible, we're laying the foundation for future success. (see website: )
people packing books
Dictionary for Life
Many clubs in the district partner with the organization Dictionary for Life. It provides a copy of the Oxford Picture Dictionary to Grade 3 students. The project is led by the West Ottawa club. See more information here.
GLP logo
Guatemala Literacy Project
Other clubs, such as Mont-Tremblant, have donated to the Guatemala Literacy Project, which aims to ‘implement four complementary programs: Reading, Textbooks, Computers, Youth Development.’ For all the information and/or to pledge now, go to
Empowering Minds, Changing Lives: Our District's Commitment to Literacy Jacinthe Paillé, Literacy Chair 2024-08-31 04:00:00Z 0

First Meeting Engaging!

Posted by Bonnie Black, DISC
Our first District International Service Meeting for this Rotary year was held at the end of August and drew many club representatives. Our group thought a better name would be District Service Meeting as we discuss both local and international projects and the ‘best practices’ in handling what we do in effective and efficient ways. We can’t change it’s name, but PLEASE consider having your Community Services Chair (who is always invited) as well as your Foundation and International Service chairs attend October 19th – just register online!
Joint Foundation/International Services Meetings for 2024-25 are August 24, October 19, February 22, and May 31.
All meetings will be at the Cornwall Seaway Valley Community Theatre - 9:00AM to 3:00PM
First Meeting Engaging! Bonnie Black, DISC 2024-08-30 04:00:00Z 0

Introducing Rotary International's Service Project Center!

With the launch of the innovative Service Projects Center Rotarians can explore, discover, and share service projects and partnerships across the Rotary world! This cutting-edge platform revolutionizes how you manage projects, share success stories, and collaborate with partners. Projects can be viewed by both members and non-members, and any Rotary member can add their club's projects to the platform.
Key Advantages of the Service Project Center:
  • Viewable by both Rotary members and non-members
  • Rotary members can easily add and highlight their club projects
  • Mobile-friendly with an intuitive interface for updates on-the-go
  • Fast responsiveness
  • Consistent experience across all devices and screen sizes
  • Improved project location data accuracy
  • Expanded project management access for club officers
  • Easy sharing on social media platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, and LinkedIn
To earn club 2024-2025 Service Project Goal Achievements, service projects must be added to the Service Project Center before 30 June 2025.
Introducing Rotary International's Service Project Center! 2024-08-29 04:00:00Z 0

Building Belonging:  Inclusive Meeting Strategies from Valarie Wafer

Posted by Martha Weaver, DEI co-chair
Valarie Wafer
DEI Advisory Council Chair Valarie Wafer emphasizes that creating inclusive Rotary club meetings means fostering an environment where all members feel welcome, valued, and respected. This involves ensuring accessible locations, providing translation services if needed, and encouraging open idea-sharing from diverse perspectives. By promoting respect, active listening, and appreciation for different backgrounds and experiences, meetings become more productive and inclusive. Members who inspire each other through their commitment to Rotary's values, projects, and embrace of diversity create a powerful foundation for unity and impactful community service. By considering these details, we can make every member feel they belong, and ensure our service reflects and benefits the entire community.
Building Belonging: Inclusive Meeting Strategies from Valarie Wafer Martha Weaver, DEI co-chair 2024-08-26 04:00:00Z 0

Is your Club interested in a challenge for the PolioPlus Fund?

Posted by Joan Hunter and Susan Diening
PolioPlus pin
As you may know Rotary International must raise $50,000,000 each year to obtain the matching dollars from the Gates Foundation. What this means is that for every $1 we raise the Gates Foundation will match our dollars 2 for 1 and PolioPlus will gain $3 ($50,000,000 becomes $150,000,000). Please remember that the fight against Polio is not over and that eradication does not mean elimination of the virus. Vaccination against Polio is of ongoing importance and Rotary will be there to help.
Is your Club interested in a challenge for the PolioPlus Fund? Joan Hunter and Susan Diening 2024-08-25 04:00:00Z 0

Magical Action for Your Club’s Growth

Posted by Bonnie Black, District Action Plan Champion
Do most of your Members bring guests who want to join every meeting? If not, there’s a plan to enhance your Club’s initiatives and community impact while growing membership.
There are some quick ‘wins’ this Rotary year which are laid out for your Board and Committee Chairs to put into action immediately.
Let’s talk specifics! District Action Plan Champion, PDG Bonnie Black, can present in 10-15 minutes at your Club meeting or Board meeting the Plan and how she’ll be available to coach your Club this Rotary year.Find out how your Club can become more vibrant using the District 7040 Action Plan this year-it’s the Magic of Rotary!
Magical Action for Your Club’s Growth Bonnie Black, District Action Plan Champion 2024-08-25 04:00:00Z 0

Celebrate Rotary's Impact This Month

Posted by DG Tess Whitmore
Tess at Chateaugay club visit
Chateaugay President George Carlito and DG Tess
August heralds Membership and New Club Development Month, spotlighting the remarkable contributions of Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors, and all members of the Rotary family worldwide.
As I travel our district, I witness firsthand the unwavering dedication of Rotarians to community service. From innovative local initiatives to far-reaching global projects, our clubs are transforming lives daily.

Join me in celebrating Rotary

  1. Showcase Rotary Pride: Share photos of your Rotary experiences on your social media accounts.
  2. Increase Visibility: March with us at the Ottawa Capital Pride Parade on August 25th.
  3. Share Your Story: What ignites your passion for Rotary? Inspire family and friends by sharing your experiences.
Let's amplify Rotary's impact together. Your story could spark the next generation of change-makers.
Celebrate Rotary's Impact This Month DG Tess Whitmore 2024-07-31 04:00:00Z 0

Environment Committee Showcases Projects

Posted by Jenn Grisi
Rotarians show off battery collection bins.
The Environment Committee would like to hear what your club has been doing in this newest area of focus for Rotary – whether it’s a new initiative as shown in the photo here as Kingston Rotarians deposit the first alkaline battery into new outdoor battery collection bins or something you’ve adopted even before the environment became the 7th area of focus. We’d love to showcase your efforts so that these great ideas can germinate throughout our district. Please email your project description and a photo or two to Jenn Grisi. Thank you.
Environment Committee Showcases Projects Jenn Grisi 2024-07-27 04:00:00Z 0

Plattsburgh Sunrise Rotary Mayor’s Cup

Posted by Joanne Dahlen
[Editor's note: This is a very detailed report of the event with many reference links. Please click "Read more..." for the full story.]
The 47th annual Mayor's Cup Regatta & Festival, organized by Sunrise Rotary, took place on July 6, 2024, in Plattsburgh, NY, attracting over 1,000 attendees. The event featured a variety of activities including a regatta with 45 registered boats, a 5K race, children's fun run, and sandcastle contests. New additions this year included a Parrots & Pirates Poker Run/Walk and a Paddle Power Palooza boat parade. The festival raised approximately $18,000 for community projects, and showcased local talent with a logo design contest in partnership with CV-TEC. The day concluded with the presentation of the "Spirit of Ianelli" Award to Mike Collin, recognizing his community contributions. This annual event celebrates Lake Champlain and summer in the North Country while supporting various local initiatives.
Plattsburgh Sunrise Rotary Mayor’s Cup Joanne Dahlen 2024-07-27 04:00:00Z 0

Corporate Membership Is An Attractive Option

Posted by Linda Flynn
Corporate membership allows employees of a business, non-profit or government entity who want to be part of Rotary but are worried about having enough time to join a club as a group and to participate on each other’s behalf. OlinaTech Solutions is one corporate member finding RC West Ottawa a great fit.
"OlinaTech Solutions is a consultancy firm, with activities in Canada and around the world. It is our honor to join the Rotary community as a new Corporate member and to live up to its commitments of service, fellowship, diversity, integrity and leadership.  We hope that can contribute to the Rotary organization both directly and to also encourage other corporate organizations in our network to help and contribute to Rotary activities and goals. Our company has diverse activities in many countries, and we look forward to leveraging these connections to successfully contribute to Rotary’s international projects in a meaningful way." - Vijay and Gina Dube
Corporate Membership Is An Attractive Option Linda Flynn 2024-07-26 04:00:00Z 0

Unleashing the Power of Diverse Club Models

Ad for talk about Rochester Deaf Kitchen
We’re proud of our history and traditions, but Rotary is also responsive to new ideas that will help us establish the innovative culture necessary for Rotary to thrive. Each club offers a unique experience, with different meeting formats and club models. Each club’s prospective members decide which kind of club would be best. And if yours is an already established club, consider reviewing your bylaws to see if changes would enhance your club experience and better serve your community. Just some of the possibilities:
  • Corporate: a club whose members work for the same employer.
  • Interest-based: a club that focuses on a particular interest or hobby.
  • Cause-based: a club that focuses its service efforts in a particular area/cause.
  • Service-based: a club that meets periodically for service projects, social events, or fundraisers.
  • Rotary alum-based: a club with a majority of members who are former Rotary program participants.
For a description of the full range of possible club types, formats, and models, download:
Unleashing the Power of Diverse Club Models Martha Weaver 2024-07-25 04:00:00Z 0

Transforming Your Club's Culture

Man and woman in suit discussing club culture
Transforming Your Club's Culture is a 10 minute video course with RI President Stephanie Urchick and Tom Gump. In it you will learn the key principles of a successful club culture and how to take action to transform your club to be more engaging, inclusive, and inviting, To view the video:
  1. Sign-in to
  2. Select Learning Center
  3. View Membership Courses
  4. Sort courses so newest courses are listed first
  5. Choose Transforming Your Club's Culture
Transforming Your Club's Culture Martha Weaver 2024-07-25 04:00:00Z 0

Learning Opportunities Abound

President elect training 2024
As Rotarians and Rotaractors, we're committed to service. Continuous learning fuels our potential to make a difference. Supercharge your Rotary journey in 24-25 with engaging learning opportunities.
Learning Opportunities Abound Martha Weaver 2024-06-30 04:00:00Z 0
District Changeover 2024 2024-06-30 04:00:00Z 0

2024 District Conference Success!

Posted by Jenn Grisi
Rotarians completing a puzzle
Friendships were rekindled, projects were planned, Rotarians were inspired and fun was had at DisCon 2024 in Clayton, New York-all the ingredients for a successful gathering of Rotarians.
2024 District Conference Success! Jenn Grisi 2024-06-30 04:00:00Z 0
Environmental Sustainability in District 7040 Elsabé Falkson 2024-06-30 04:00:00Z 0

Membership Goals and Success

Posted by Jamie Johnstone, DMC
Rotarians, your efforts are paying off! Our membership growth trend is positive, and we're on track to be among the top three districts for membership growth in Zone 28.
Membership Goals and Success Jamie Johnstone, DMC 2024-06-30 04:00:00Z 0

Peace Poles

RI President Stephanie Urchick with McMurray Club President William Kern to scout a location for a peace pole in the community. Photography by Christine Armbruster
RI President Stephanie Urchick, a member of the McMurray, Pennsylvania, USA club, says members create The Magic of Rotary with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member of Rotary.
Peace Poles Martha Weaver 2024-06-30 04:00:00Z 0
July is Maternal and Child Health Month Martha Weaver 2024-06-30 04:00:00Z 0

Your 2024-25 Rotary Adventure Awaits!

Posted by DG Tess Whitmore
DG Tess in a white shirt
The 2024-25 Rotary Year isn't just a series of events – it's your ticket to a world of personal growth, meaningful service, and unforgettable experiences.  Our Rotary calendar is bursting with opportunities to make a difference while forging lifelong friendships. Take a moment right now to mark your calendars and start planning your journey.
Your 2024-25 Rotary Adventure Awaits! DG Tess Whitmore 2024-06-30 04:00:00Z 0

District Governor Pardeep Reflects on a Remarkable Rotary Year

Posted by Pardeep Ahluwalia
Pardeep Aluwalia and his wife Simi with lake in background
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Rotarians of District 7040 for entrusting me with the honor of serving as your District Governor in 2023-24. It was a pleasure to see many of you at the District Changeover as we welcomed Teresa Whitmore from the Rotary Club of Orleans as the incoming Governor for 2024-25.
District Governor Pardeep Reflects on a Remarkable Rotary Year Pardeep Ahluwalia 2024-06-30 04:00:00Z 0
New Rotary Director Chris Etienne Martha Weaver 2024-06-30 04:00:00Z 0
Message from the District Learning and Development Chair David Carey 2024-06-29 04:00:00Z 0

A wonderful story of solidarity and Rotarian action


Posted by Michèle Herblin-Mauger, Food Bank Project, Rotary e-Club Premier 7040 Coordinator,
The forklift arrives, everyone looks at it, and you can hear a mixture of joy and amazement... like “we wanted to see it to believe it”. It has to be said, work isn't always easy at the warehouse of Un Défi AlimenTERRE/La Corbeille. We're constantly on the search for new funding and new requests every year, and makeshift solutions to keep us going with this wonderful project. Exactly 1 month ago, when the forklift was suddenly taken away from the warehouse, Jean-François, the initiator of “Un Défi AlimenTERRE/La Corbeille” project, thought it was a dead end to find another one in such a short space of time. The challenge was significant, because without it, the operation could not continue.
Then, under the leadership of our district governor, Pardeep Ahluwalia, Rotarians from all over District 7040 were mobilized. The entire District board decided to come to the aid of the Food Security action endangered in Montreal. The outpouring of solidarity at the District Conference enabled us to raise the $16,000 needed to purchase the forklift in 15 days, and to have it delivered and installed in record time. Moved by our story and our commitment to the community, even the vendor of the forklift showed his own support by donating the charger!
What looked like being a disaster turned out to be a great collective success. Once again, respect for our 4 Way Test proves its effectiveness.  We can be certain that when faced with an act of jeopardizing an action, the natural reaction of Rotarians is to speak out for THE VALUES of Service Above Self.  There are not enough words to describe and thank the 20 clubs of District 7040 and the 51 individual donors who generously participated in this extraordinary fundraising event. Thanks to all of you, the food services to 15,000 families each month will not be interrupted. 
Storytime - Joining forces for Food Security
The meeting between the Rotary e-Club Premier and the professionals of La Corbeille took place unexpectedly, on the day we received a donation of 14 tons of turnips! The person in charge of “Un Défi AlimenTERRE/La Corbeille” project made his truck and warehouse available. We exchanged ideas about our mutual food aid projects, he expressed the growing needs of the community and also the needs of the warehouse... We agreed to work together, our Rotary e-Club Premier providing volunteer services to La Corbeille to support and develop the activities for families in need.
Our two networks of beneficiary organizations were merged, and donations from our network of producers and farmers were brought into the project for the benefit of all beneficiaries. The Rotary team is now well organized, with a list of 94 volunteers and 5 Rotary and Rotaract clubs in Greater Montreal and Ontario.
In 2023, the incredible results encourage us to continue. In total, Un Défi AlimenTERRE/La Corbeille and Rotary represent 465 tons of eatable foodstuff received and saved from waste, with a market value of about $4,500,000, serving 15,000 families per month.
A wonderful story of solidarity and Rotarian action Michèle Herblin-Mauger, Food Bank Project, Rotary e-Club Premier 7040 Coordinator, 2024-05-31 04:00:00Z 0

Membership Moment June 2024

Posted by Jamie Johnstone, Membership Chair

The end of the Rotary year is quickly approaching, and I would like all clubs to have membership chairs in place for July I, 2024. Even though membership should be every Rotarians responsibility, every club needs someone to coordinate these efforts and to make sure new Rotarians are well received and are enjoying their experience in their new clubs. It is also important that new members are mentored and explained what is expected of them. You can contact me at

Next Zone Membership Webinar Monday, June 3, 7:30PM on Zoom.

Membership Moment June 2024 Jamie Johnstone, Membership Chair 2024-05-31 04:00:00Z 0

International Celebration in Gananoque

Posted by Barbara Fisk, DRFC
Gananoque hosted an outstanding international night in May, this time show casing everything Nepali!  Hari Chandra Satyal and wife, Kavita Chapagain were most gracious hosts as they treated everyone to an evening with true Nepal charm and hospitality.  There were many pictures that you can see at the Dropbox link included.
Guests were greeted with Nepali Masal tea with cookies at the door, and then moved into an exquisitely decorated room with colourful pennant strings, honeycomb tree flowers, sparkling serviettes, programs, and bags of wildflower seeds on the tables!  The silent auction was well filled with fun items from cake plates to wooden charcuterie boards.  Photos, flags, and other pictures from Nepal adorned all the walls including Hari’s framed Rotaract charter. Another table was covered with 14 amazing home-made, “Food Channel worthy”, yummy display cakes, later auctioned off to share at tables or take home. Cora Beking had outdone herself again this year! Hari introduced the authentic Nepali meal, prepared by the very willing Hospitality class from Gananoque Secondary School.  After dinner guests were treated to a wonderful folk dance by two more gracious Nepali college students.  Everyone’s ethnic attire was so beautiful and lovely to see. 
International Celebration in Gananoque Barbara Fisk, DRFC 2024-05-31 04:00:00Z 0

Together We Build for The Future


Posted by DG Pardeep Ahluwalia
Together We Build for The Future – such a simple phrase but loaded with meaning.  We each of us do what we can to help those less fortunate and in need of help, and we each have a small impact with every one of our actions.  But if we work collectively within our Clubs, the impact we have is greater than the sum of its parts.  And if we extrapolate that across our District and the full worldwide Rotary community, we can have huge impacts that result in fundamental and significant change.  That means that we must work Together as People of Action.
Through working together within the Rotary community and with those whom we wish to help, we foster the conditions that give people the hope that their lives, and those of their children, and of their communities can be better.  We help Create Hope in the World by working together and allowing those in need to Build better lives.
If people can build better lives in the present, they can start to look forward and see a better Future, with improved access to sanitation and water, treatment of and reduction in health issues, availability of education, mechanisms for sustainable economic growth, and ability to improve their natural environment, all leading to the potential for conflict resolution and a more peaceful world.
Because Together We Build for The Future.
Together We Build for The Future DG Pardeep Ahluwalia 2024-05-28 04:00:00Z 0

Global Grant Scholar for 2024-25

Posted by Katie Burke, Scholarship Chair
The District 7040 Global Grant Scholar for 2024-25 is Aidan Gurung, endorsed by the Rotary Club of Cataraqui-Kingston.
Aidan will be studying at the University of Cambridge in the UK (M.Phil in Education - Education, Globalization and International Development)).  She will be studying under the "Basic Education and Literacy" Area of Focus.
Aidan has completed a Bachelor of Arts (Global Development and English) and a Bachelor of Education - her field of study is high school English and Geography with a specialization in Education Technology.  Her goal is to  explore the use of EdTech tools in improving basic education in Nepal.  Aidan has extensive volunteer experience; she has worked for EdTech start-ups in Canada and in Korea and she is the co-founder and leader of several start-ups.  She has received several scholarships and prizes as well as extensive recognition for her volunteer and entrepreneurial efforts. Her spare time is taken up with reading - with a goal of a book per week - dance, and writing.  She admits that sports do not come easy to her but has challenged herself with the goal of running a marathon!
She is bright, she is talented, she is adventuresome, she is curious, she is proof that the world is in good hands !
Global Grant Scholar for 2024-25 Katie Burke, Scholarship Chair 2024-05-01 04:00:00Z 0

Canton Rotary Presentations

Posted by Tim Welpe, Canton
Canton Rotary Club presented a $3,353.05USD donation to the Canton Church and Community Program, and Gaige Murdie, a Senior at Canton High School, was recognized by the Canton Rotary Club as the Student of the Quarter.
Canton Rotary Presentations Tim Welpe, Canton 2024-04-30 04:00:00Z 0

Lionhearts and Rotary Clubs of Ottawa Community Service Project Update

Posted by Jane Courtice-Neocleous, Orléans
The Rotary Clubs of Ottawa have been searching for a more hands-on volunteering opportunity to better serve our local communities and build stronger relationships with our local communities and with each other. Our search is over. Our volunteer initiative to partner with Lionhearts Inc. allows all of this to happen.
What is the impact on the individual member: greater sense of well-being/improved mental health/seeing the results of your effort.
What is the impact for the Club: retain your members/great way to recruit and increase membership.
What is the impact for Rotary: it raises Rotary’s public image.
What is the impact for your local community:  partnerships and working together for a common cause.
Lionhearts and Rotary Clubs of Ottawa Community Service Project Update Jane Courtice-Neocleous, Orléans 2024-04-30 04:00:00Z 0

Designing Your Rotary Experience

Getting involved in Rotary offers opportunities to make connections, participate in meaningful service, become a leader, and expand your perspective. The personal growth that members achieve through Rotary is shaped by how they decide to participate.The Designing Your Rotary Experience guide is a tool that all Rotaractors and Rotarians can use to personalize their Rotary membership and take action in ways that are important to them. And for longer-term members, the guide is a good reminder of all the possibilities that their Rotary membership holds.
Designing Your Rotary Experience 2024-04-28 04:00:00Z 0

The Campbell Oudeh McNamee (COM) Rotary scholarship winners

Posted by PDG Fay Campbell
The Campbell Oudeh McNamee (COM) Rotary scholarship was established in 2018 with the goal of providing opportunities to open doors to education and life for economically disadvantaged students living in rural communities in Jamaica.  The aim of the scholarship is to make music a transformative force that break down barriers and makes it accessible for youth who would otherwise face economic hardship in attaining their educational pursuits. The 2024 winners, pictured with PDG Fay Campbell are TYRIQUE JOHNSON, Bachelor of Music Education (left) and KHALIL MATHEW BLAKE, Bachelor of Music in Performance (right).
If you learn music, you’ll learn history. If you learn music, you’ll learn mathematics. If you learn music, you’ll learn most all there is to learn. — Edgar Cayce
The Campbell Oudeh McNamee (COM) Rotary scholarship winners PDG Fay Campbell 2024-04-11 04:00:00Z 0

Happy Spring Rotarians!

Posted by Elsabé Falkson, Environment chair
It is Spring, that wondrous time of year that nature wakes up.  My east windows are full of seedlings (vegetables, herbs, and native flowers)  waiting to be transplanted in the garden.  The crocuses are blooming, and the tulips leaves promise a soon-to be wondrous display.  It makes me happy.
 I love fresh air, open windows, and doors.  I love to hear the birds. Except there are fewer every year and I have no choice but to listen to an incessant suburban buzz!  Not a bee buzz, but lawnmowers.  Think about the noise and air pollution we cause when we mow, trim and blow. Emissions from (fossil-fuelled) mowers, blowers, and trimmers are an important source of toxic and carcinogenic exhaust and fine particulate matter (EPA).  Toxic pesticides and fertilizers… we cannot keep on using these, knowing how much we harm the environment (and ourselves).
Our District- wide efforts to promote urban biodiversity (Less lawns and lights) is ramping up again.
Happy Spring Rotarians! Elsabé Falkson, Environment chair 2024-03-30 04:00:00Z 0

Water – a “sine qua non” for life!

Posted by DG Pardeep Ahluwalia
Such a seemingly simple molecule composed of just three atoms – two hydrogen and one oxygen.  But as with so many simple things, absolutely critical for life on Earth!
Humans can live for weeks without food, but only a few days without water.  This is a fact that we tend to forget in a society where most of us can turn on a tap and obtain more than enough water to consume directly, to cook with, and to bathe and clean.  But in many parts of the world, water is a commodity more precious than anything.
In many of these places, water is not easily accessible, or if accessible is not potable.  These factors lead to acute and chronic health consequences, have negative impacts on educational opportunities, and limit agricultural and other socio-economic activities.  This why water, together with sanitation and hygiene which depend on water, is one of Rotary’s seven areas of focus.  Provision of water to those who do not have access to clean potable water is one way that we can help instill a sense of hope in those we seek to help, and by so doing help Create Hope in the World!
With this in mind, DGE Teresa Whitmore and I decided that we would introduce a D7040 Governors’ Initiative this year and support a Global Grant project to bring safe drinking water to an indigenous community in Amazonian Colombia.  If you want to know more about this project, please contact your AG or me, and we can provide information as well as describe how you or your Club can make a commitment to the project.  As many of you have heard me say during my Club visits, it does not take a lot for a Club or an individual to become involved in a Global Grant project, but our  collective impact can be huge!
Water – a “sine qua non” for life! DG Pardeep Ahluwalia 2024-03-29 04:00:00Z 0

DEI Speakers Bureau : Every Voice Deserves to be Heard

Posted by DEI Chair Weaver & Claude Opus
At Rotary, our guiding principles—The Four-Way Test, Object of Rotary, and the Avenues of Service—form the bedrock of our commitment to service, fellowship, diversity, integrity, and leadership. These values inspire us to create a world where every person, regardless of their background, feels valued and belongs.
The District 7040 DEI committee Speakers Bureau showcases the rich tapestry of our community, from diverse age groups and ethnicities to different learning styles and beliefs. By sharing their unique stories, our speakers inspire, educate, and ignite change. Whether you're an individual looking to share your story or a club seeking to enhance your diversity journey, the Speakers Bureau is your gateway to growth and understanding. By engaging with our speakers, you'll gain fresh perspectives, challenge your assumptions, and discover the power of embracing differences.
Visit the DEI Speakers Bureau to learn more and get involved. Together, we can build a future where every person is celebrated, respected, and empowered to make a difference.
DEI Speakers Bureau : Every Voice Deserves to be Heard DEI Chair Weaver & Claude Opus 2024-03-26 04:00:00Z 0
Empowering and elevating women in the workplace 2024-03-10 05:00:00Z 0

Every Rotarian Every Day

Posted by Elsabe Falkson
Environmental Sustainability:  Collectively we can make a huge difference.
Biodiversity, Pollution, Sustainable Living, Climate, Food Systems, Circular Economy. These are the 6 areas where Rotarians worldwide create projects to protect the environment.  They are all connected and change in one affects the others.  In this article, we will explore Pollution and Sustainable Living where we, as District 7040- People of Action, can make a difference, even without a budget!
Every Rotarian Every Day Elsabe Falkson 2024-02-28 05:00:00Z 0

District 7040 Learning and Development Sessions

Posted by Joan Hunter
I have been attending the Learning and Development Sessions over the course of this Rotary Year and I have to commend Paul Elsley and the L&D team for the excellence that I have observed in the selection of topics and speakers for these sessions.  By way of example, I will mention that session on February 20th in which several presenters showcased the sections of our District Website. Even for someone like me who is on the website regularly I acquired new information.  I also know how topical such a session was given feedback that I hear regularly about Rotarians having difficulty navigating through the website.
I know that we all attend many Rotary meetings and that Rotary is not the only aspect of our lives but if you are unable to attend one of these session please know that they are all recorded and available for you to watch.  To listen to a recording of one or more of these sessions go to the District Website, click on Learning & Development, scroll down and at the bottom of the page on the left hand side click on “Recorded 7040 Videos”.
Story updated 10 June 2024
District 7040 Learning and Development Sessions Joan Hunter 2024-02-28 05:00:00Z 0

Presidents' Council Meeting in Montreal

Posted by Marc Mauger
The Montreal President’s Council meeting for February was hosted at the home of Michele Herblin and Marc Mauger of the E -Club Premier 7040. Eleven Rotary Clubs and one Rotaract Club were represented and we talked about our past success and upcoming events. Michele gave a wonderful presentation on the Food Security program that she runs and how the other clubs in the Montreal area can get involved to take this project to the next level and how other clubs in the District can get involved. Merci Marc and Michele for a wonderful evening of Rotary Fellowship.
Presidents' Council Meeting in Montreal Marc Mauger 2024-02-28 05:00:00Z 0

Promoting RYLA

Rotary Youth Leadership Academy (RYLA) is an intensive leadership experience that Rotary members organize to give youth a chance to develop leadership skills while having fun and forming lasting friendships! 
Promoting RYLA 2024-02-07 05:00:00Z 0

Foundation Moment

Posted by Barbara Fisk DRFC
Foundation grants of ANY kind are a very real and very important part of BOTH local communities and international Rotary.  Members simply want to help others. Using grants is a great way to leverage money that has been donated.
This is the time of the year for clubs and members to review their budgets and areas that they want to help.  It is the time to send in budgeted donations and ensure your club has been recognized for its efforts.  It is also the time to be looking at what projects, be they “backyard local” or further afield, that you want to do.  The District has money to help with projects and really wants to see clubs leverage and use that money!
Yes, there are requirements for Grant qualification, and yes, they slightly changed this year to make the training more accessible and self-paced, as requested by members.  But recently, we relaxed some of those requirements even further, so it is even easier for clubs and members to be qualified.  Please check the District website under Grant Management or reach out to DRFC, Barbara Fisk for more details or clarification.
THANK YOU for being a part of Rotary Grants – local OR international!
Foundation Moment Barbara Fisk DRFC 2024-02-04 05:00:00Z 0

Interact at Lake Placid

Posted by Martha Spear, AG
In order to graduate from Lake Placid Central School a student must have accomplished 40 hours of community service.  In the past, some students achieved this goal by participating in Kiwanis Key Club, a service organization for youth. 
Nicole Trainor attended LPCSD herself, was a member of Key Club from 2005 until she graduated in 2009.  After college, Nicole returned to LPCSD as a special education teacher. 
Nicole said, “When I was a student at Lake Placid, I really appreciated being in Key Club and the service projects we got to do. When Lake Placid’s Kiwanis Club closed, the Key Club kept going independently for several years.  I didn’t want to see this opportunity for students go away so I looked into what Rotary could offer us, and that led to Interact for middle and high school students.”
This past summer and fall, with the support of Keith Clark, Community Schools Director, and the Rotary Club of Lake Placid, Nicole led the founding of the Lake Placid Interact Club, which is a chapter of Rotary International's service club for young people ages 12 to 18.  Interact clubs bring together young people to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Rotary’s motto, “Service Above Self.”
Students and their advisor Mr. Greg Fisher at the Holiday Stroll.
Front row from left to right-Connor, Will, Mikey, Mia, Olivia, Ruth. Back is Mr. Fisher, Nora
This past fall, the Interact students and the LPCSD collected an estimated 3,300 pounds of food, which converts to 3,667 meals or enough to feed a family of 4, three times a day for 306 days. Greg Fisher spoke about the successful food drive.  “The students checked the grocery carts every day (see pictures of carts) and were so excited about the increasing numbers of cans and boxes of food their fellow students were donating.
About 15 of students participated when we delivered to food to the pantry. They went in and saw the set-up and got a lesson in how it works.  It was a great service activity, and the kids learned a lot.  They are learning life skills through Interact.”
Interact at Lake Placid Martha Spear, AG 2024-02-03 05:00:00Z 0

What Are The Arch Klumph Society And The Legacy Society?

Posted by Barbara Fisk DRFC
Donors whose cumulative gifts total US$250,000 or more are recognized as members of the Arch Klumph Society. As a member, you’re honored at an induction ceremony and have your picture and biography in the Leaders in Philanthropy interactive display at Rotary International World Headquarters. You’ll receive invitations to special events, along with membership pins and crystals that commemorate your giving level. Since 2004, more than 700 people have joined the Arch Klumph Society.
Donors who promise a gift of $1 million or more to the Endowment are invited to join the Legacy Society. As a member, you’ll receive special tokens of appreciation and all the benefits provided to Bequest Society members. Legacy Society members are listed in Rotary’s annual report and are also invited to special events.
Are you interested in becoming a member of the Arch Klumph Society or the Legacy Society? Please reach out if you have any questions or need any help accessing information.
What Are The Arch Klumph Society And The Legacy Society? Barbara Fisk DRFC 2024-01-13 05:00:00Z 0

Foundation Corner

Posted by Barbara Fisk, DRFC
It was a privilege and honour to meet and present Ken Marlow from the RC of Massena, with his Major Donor Level 1 Crystal and pin recognition.  Ken joined Rotary in 2004 and has been supporting The Rotary Foundation ever since.  We thank Ken for his generousity and look forward to others joining him as a Major Donor.
For more information on how YOUR gifts help humanitarian efforts around the world -
Foundation Corner Barbara Fisk, DRFC 2024-01-11 05:00:00Z 0
Breaking Down Silos in Child Health and Nutrition 2023-12-14 05:00:00Z 0
The Rotary Club of Orleans Holiday Party Joan Hunter 2023-12-01 05:00:00Z 0

The New Pergola at Rotel

Posted by Joan Hunter
Last summer a group of Rotarians from the West Ottawa Rotary Club planted a pollinator garden at Rotel, the non-profit motel located beside the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) and the Ottawa Hospital General Campus.  Phil Powel Smith, a member of that team, noticed that the pergola was in bad shape and returned to the West Ottawa Club with a recommendation that it be replaced.
The New Pergola at Rotel Joan Hunter 2023-12-01 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Montreal Cedars' Charter Night

Posted by DG Pardeep Ahluwalia
On Saturday November 25, there was an amazing gathering of Rotarians and non-Rotarians at the Charter Celebration Gala for the Montreal Cedars Rotary Club. The event was hosted by President Maha Maalouf-Kassouf, with Rima Khoury (Club Treasurer) acting as MC.
In addition to Charter members of the Club and an array of guests from the Montreal area, a number of members of the District Governor group were in attendance with their spouses - DG Pardeep Ahluwalia and Simmy Ahluwalia, IPDG Michel Wong Kee Song and Suzanne, PDG Hadi Mortada and Teresa, PDG Nabil Oudeh and Gayle Oudeh, and PDG Ariane Carriere, who presented Rotary pins to those Charter members of Montreal Cedars who were present.
Please click "Read more" for President Maha Maalouf-Kassouf's full story of the club's founding.
Rotary Club of Montreal Cedars' Charter Night DG Pardeep Ahluwalia 2023-11-30 05:00:00Z 0
Rotary Youth Forest - winter maintenance Jane Courtice-Neocleous 2023-11-28 05:00:00Z 0

Park of Hope

Posted by Sharon Miller
The Park of Hope: Strengthening our Community Through Inclusive & Accessible Recreation
Imagine a play space in your community where every child, regardless of their abilities, can experience a profound sense of belonging, play, learn and grow alongside peers of all ages and abilities.  The Rotary Club of Cornwall Sunrise, in partnership with the RC of Fort Myers South, Rachel’s Kids and the City of Cornwall, are embarking on an ambitious, transformative project to create such a space – a fully accessible and inclusive playground that fosters unity, inclusivity, and diversity.
Park of Hope Sharon Miller 2023-11-27 05:00:00Z 0

The Rotary Club of Malone Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser

The Rotary Club of Malone held its annual Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser in October. Many hands made light work -- from the fantastic cooks in the kitchen to the many Interact students and Rotary members who helped in all ways. The Interact Club organized the process for filling orders, taking orders curbside, filling orders and delivering curbside, and anything in between.  Customers really enjoyed the students' joyful attitude and their work ethic.
The Rotary Club of Malone Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser 2023-11-11 05:00:00Z 0

Highway Cleanup

Posted by Michael Griffin
The Canton and Potsdam Rotary Clubs teamed up on October 28 to do the roadside cleanup on two miles of State Route 310 north of Canton as part of the New York State Adopt-A-Highway Program. 

Front row: Canton President Kathy Mullaney, Jeanne Tyo-Martin and Scott Goldie. Back row: AG Michael Griffin, Laurean Pelkey and Kainan Smith. Not shown: Mike Crowe and Sunday Smith. 

“The rain blew through before we got too wet, and we ended up having a good time. We all thought that there was less trash this year!,” said President Kathy. 
Highway Cleanup Michael Griffin 2023-11-11 05:00:00Z 0

Blanket Drive - South Africa

Posted by Greta Du Bois Cleynhens
Collaboration between the International Services in the Kingston region.
The International Service of RC Kingston-Frontenac took on as a project of the 23/24 year the “Blanket Drive” in partnership with the Rotary Club of Morningside, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Blanket Drive - South Africa Greta Du Bois Cleynhens 2023-11-11 05:00:00Z 0

Valley Rotary Gathering

Posted by Larrie Thompson
Happy guests at the annual Ottawa Valley Rotary gathering on September 16 at the Deep River yacht and tennis clubhouse. 
Heureux invités au rassemblement annuel du Rotary de la vallée de l'Outaouais le 16 septembre au yacht et au club-house de tennis de Deep River. 
Valley Rotary Gathering Larrie Thompson 2023-11-11 05:00:00Z 0

Potsdam Books

Posted by Michael Griffin
The Rotary Club of Potsdam distributed 150 new books in support of literacy and conducted its annual Haunted Hallway at the Potsdam Chamber of Commerce Fright Night in October.
Le Rotary Club de Potsdam a distribué 150 nouveaux livres à l'appui de l'alphabétisation et a organisé son couloir hanté annuel lors de la nuit de la peur de la Chambre de commerce de Potsdam en octobre.
Potsdam Books Michael Griffin 2023-11-11 05:00:00Z 0
Kids Against Hunger 2023-11-11 05:00:00Z 0
Hawkesbury Receives Recognition Karl Holmes 2023-11-11 05:00:00Z 0

The Rotary Youth Forest 

Posted by Jane Courtice-Neocleous
Ottawa Rotary Youth Forest Winter Maintenance
On Wednesday, November 1st, The Rotary Club of Orléans, ORYF Team partnered with 35 Grade Seven Students along with their teacher, Floriane Tsering from St. Peter HS to lay mulch around the vulnerable saplings in the Forest to ensure future moisture retention and weed suppression in anticipation of Spring 2024.
With current Climate conditions, planting and caring for trees has never been more important. The students and staff at St. Peter HS have Climate Action goals and the Rotary Club of Orléans partnership has been instrumental in helping them reach their goals, as well, as our own.
These young people came, and they conquered. A large mountain of mulch placed at the entrance to the Forest, and another moved by wheelbarrow to the centre of the Forest, allowed ease of access to these young people to fill and empty their pails of mulch around the saplings. Thanks to their focus and commitment, by the end of one and half hours, EVERY little sapling had been surrounded and protected aginst the harsh winter conditions to come.
The ORYF Team could not have been happier. As a small token of our appreciation, we are pleased to be able to provide them with pizza and honorable mention certificates to Sachbir for the record number of trips and to Trevor (a pillar of their EcoClub) for his Herculean grit as he shoveled mulch into the empty pails for the entire duration.
 It was a privilege working with these young Environmentalists and a delight watching them work so hard to complete the challenge.
In addition, they have accepted our invitation to partner with the ORYF Team, Spring 2024, when South Nation Conservation returns to infill the trees where necessary. 
The Rotary Youth Forest Jane Courtice-Neocleous 2023-11-11 05:00:00Z 0

World Polio Day/Week Events

Posted by Barbara Fisk
Celebrations in Cornwall
Presentation at the Power Dam in Cornwall
DGN Graeme Fraser, Polio Chair Joan Hunter, and DRFC Barbara Fisk with the End Polio flag.
World Polio Day/Week Events Barbara Fisk 2023-11-11 05:00:00Z 0
Seaway West Clubs at Kingston Fall Fair Paul Elsley 2023-10-02 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Leadership Institute Training Joan Hunter 2023-10-02 04:00:00Z 0
PROJET D'APPROVISIONNEMENT EN EAU ET D'ASSAINISSEMENT AU GHANA 21-8484 E-club Premier 7040 2023-09-16 04:00:00Z 0

What inspired me to become and stay a Rotarian

Posted by PDG Fay Campbell
PDG Fay Campbell, Rotary Club of Orleans, was recently interviewed on Rogers from Ottawa about why she became a Rotarian, and why she stayed in Rotary. You'll see pictures of her travels towards the end of the interview which you can see at
What inspired me to become and stay a Rotarian PDG Fay Campbell 2023-09-04 04:00:00Z 0

Community Gardening

Posted by M-C van der Merwe

Bushels of Bonding at the Robinson Community Centre

Community gardens play a crucial role in supplying fresh produce to needy communities. These gardens, typically established on shared plots of land, allow individuals to come together and cultivate crops for the benefit of their community. By growing fruits, vegetables, and herbs locally, community gardens not only provide access to nutritious food but also foster a sense of empowerment, education, and social cohesion. 
Community Gardening M-C van der Merwe 2023-09-04 04:00:00Z 0

National Capital Pride Run/Walk 2023

Posted by Martha Weaver, Chair DEI committee
Lara Jobston running
Hugh Williams running
District 7040's diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) committee joined with Ottawa area Rotarians for our first ever participation in Capital Pride by entering a team in the National Capital Pride Run/Walk to raise funds for Bruce House. The Rotary in Ottawa Team raised almost $700, and Lindsey Foster, member of Rotary Club of Kingston, was one of the event's overall top donors. National Capital Pride Run said: "Great to have our local Rotary district join us this year - we are in awe of the work you do! We hope to see you back again next year."
National Capital Pride Run/Walk 2023 Martha Weaver, Chair DEI committee 2023-09-01 04:00:00Z 0

Human Trafficking/District Champions & Awareness Projects

Posted by Martin Nadon
Congratulations to all new club Presidents in District 7040 and around the world!  This puts you one step closer to your Area Governor, District Governor, Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation.  We suggest that one goal for new club Presidents is to bring new perspectives and hope to your members as well as including the critical conversations of Human Trafficking (HT) happening in your communities. 
Human Trafficking/District Champions & Awareness Projects Martin Nadon 2023-08-08 04:00:00Z 0
Human Trafficking Martin Nadon 2023-08-08 04:00:00Z 0

Kingston Rotaract - The best conclusion of a fantastic year

Posted by Francesco Ambrogi
Last night during a regular meeting our Club concluded the service we started in August 2022 with KEYS newcomers center in Kingston. From the beginning, the goal was to provide help and support to all refugees and newcomers in our community. KEYS welcomed more than 200 families coming from Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Burundi, and many other countries in difficulty. During our amazing collaboration Rotaractors and KEYS volunteers worked together at fantastic fundraisers (Fall in Love with Dance), social events for refugee kids (Halloween themed night, and Winter wonderland), and community services (Clothing bazaars and donations), and we had the pleasure to meet several newcomers’ families. The support from Rotarians and the Kingston community was outstanding, culminating with the last Clothing Bazaar organized on February 2023 which involved more than 30 volunteers across 6 different organizations. I am extremely proud of all members of my Club and very happy for the work we have done.
Kingston Rotaract - The best conclusion of a fantastic year Francesco Ambrogi 2023-07-31 04:00:00Z 0

The Rotary Foundation Corner

Posted by Barbara Fisk - DRFC
Welcome to the New Rotary Year!  Our Foundation Team is looking forward to another year of inspiring stories, super projects and changes in how we help members and clubs engage with The Rotary Foundation.  We hope clubs have creative new ideas and are planning some super events! We love to hear from YOU and are always happy to SHARE your experiences with others. Do send in your stories and we’ll get them into this bulletin wherever possible
The Foundation Moment that is sent weekly to your Presidents is a grand opportunity to learn a wee bit about Foundation every meeting.  We hope that it gives you ideas, news, or inspiration for things you may not have considered in the past.  Please do share it with all your members!
If you missed our first Moment this year, here it is for you now!
The Rotary Foundation Corner Barbara Fisk - DRFC 2023-07-31 04:00:00Z 0
RAGAS Mission Slide 2023-07-28 04:00:00Z 0

D7040 Friendship Exchange

Posted by Simmy Ahluwahlia
Rotary Friendship Exchange allows Rotarians and non-Rotarians to experience a different culture, broaden international understanding, explore their professions in a different context, build lasting relationships, and establish a foundation for peace and service, including global grant collaboration. Learn more:
Some of you have participated in The Rotary Friendship exchanges in the past, for others who don’t know what this is, continue reading.
D7040 Friendship Exchange Simmy Ahluwahlia 2023-07-13 04:00:00Z 0

Lake Placid News Update

A message from Jenn Grisi, who recently retired as Area Governor.
Service above self.  People of Action. Not everyone, upon hearing those snippets, would immediately think of Rotary.  Rotarians would.  As a Rotarian and outgoing (meaning my term is almost over rather than self-described affable human being) Area Governor, I would love for more people to associate this organization with those snippets.  I would love for more people to know that the Rotary Foundation is rated 4/4 stars by Charity Navigator with 100% for the Accountability and Finance Beacon meaning you can trust that your donation is being used as promised.  I would love for more people to reach out to Rotary and ask ‘how can I help?”.  The more members involved, the more dynamic the club and the more good can be done in our communities and beyond. 
Lake Placid News Update Jenn Grisi 2023-06-04 04:00:00Z 0

Becoming More Inclusive Through Diverse Speakers

Posted by Martha Weaver
Many Rotary clubs still struggle with attracting and retaining a diverse, inclusive membership that fully represents their communities. Hearing from and connecting with diverse speakers is one simple step that can start making a difference. By listening with open minds and hearts, members will gain exposure to new ideas, build understanding and become better able to appreciate the perspectives of others. That is something that will strengthen Rotary for generations to come.
Becoming More Inclusive Through Diverse Speakers Martha Weaver 2023-06-04 04:00:00Z 0
Community Service at DisCon 2023 Michèle Herblin-Mauger 2023-05-12 04:00:00Z 0


Posted by Elsabe Falkson


Rotarians take action in May

Habitat for Pollinators = Food Security

30 years ago the native Rusty-Patched bumble bee (Bombus affinis) was as common as three out of every ten bumblebees seen. We haven’t seen one since 2009.  The alarming rate of pollinator decline, food production challenges, soil depletion, chemical pollution, climate change, carbon emission, and sequestration are some of the most serious environmental issues we face.  Scientists predict that if we stay on this trajectory we have less than 60 years of harvesting crops before soil collapse and untenable climate change halts crop production. A third of the food we eat is attributed to the pollination services of bees. An abundance of healthy native bees, ensures this food. In D7040, 32 of our economically important crops (valued at $690 billion per year in Ontario) are pollinated by native pollinators. 
Whilst many Rotary clubs (20+ in D7040) and hundreds of friends participate in No Mow May with enthusiasm, others are skeptical, complacent, or critical.  Some find it inconceivable to change minds and lawns from what we have, for decades, been doing, creating, caring for, and what we are fiercely proud of. There are entrenched beliefs about lawns - how it should look, lawn care, and its function. Sometimes our views are emotionally charged: Those who had Lyme’s or other tick-borne diseases (or know someone so unfortunate) are appalled at the thought of not mowing.  Many concerns are based on misinformation and beliefs not backed by science. FAQ like “What about ticks?”, “What happens after May?”, and more, are answered on our D7040 website. Some did not like the name No Mow MAY and suggestions like “Mindful May”, “Pollinator Month” or the inspirational “Grow More May” developed by the Rotary Club of Gananoque , will potentially replace the No Mow message. 
At Harvard, researchers found that lawns with multiple species of grasses and wildflowers require far less mowing and water than would the typical turf.  We need to think twice about perfectly manicured lawns requiring water (in dry months), fertilizer and herbicides (bad for your health and the environment), topsoil, GMO seeds, maintenance labour, and machines (producing air, particle, and noise pollution), in addition to releasing an insane amount of greenhouse gasses (those that are fossil-fuelled). Let’s face it, it costs a lot of money to maintain a lawn in pristine condition. There are powerful corporations, heavily invested in the estimated $8 billion turfgrass lawn industry in North America, and they sponsor universities and institutions that actively advocate against No Mow May. 
Environmental leaders say we don’t do enough, we should do more, and that just not mowing in May is not nearly enough.  I tend to agree. If we can do for the Environment what Rotary has done for Polio we will have an enormous impact. We can spread awareness and take action, creating sustainable urban habitats.  May is a perfect time to imagine thriving living lawns. Our gardens, patios and balconies can be places for healing the earth. Imagine your community in 60 years. What legacy do you want to leave? Let us be responsible ancestors!
Biodiversity Elsabe Falkson 2023-05-11 04:00:00Z 0

Honouring Indigenous Peoples

Posted by Rene Melchers
Honouring Indigenous Peoples(HIP) National Experience in Winnipeg
The Rotary Club of Cataraqui-Kingston and the Rotary Club of Brockville sponsored two students who recently attended the HIP National Experience in Winnipeg.  CBC and CTV captured interviews with some of the youth at the HIP National Experience which can be viewed by clicking on the links below.
CTV also captured the Experience as well
Honouring Indigenous Peoples Rene Melchers 2023-05-11 04:00:00Z 0

Education Project in Tanzania

Posted by Peter Morrin
Meet our student Ilet
The Rotary Club of Kingston-Frontenac is sponsoring a student in rural Tanzania with a full elementary school scholarship, in cooperation with  the Rotary Club of Hai-Kilimanjaro and the Saidia Agricultural and Social Care Organisation , Tanzania.
We are committed to a scholarship of $500.00 USD per year for one scholar during the full seven years of elementary school .Payment is made at the beginning of each school year. It covers school fees, books, uniform, transport, and meals where needed . As this involves a multi-year club budget, special permission is obtained from the Board. The project will be reviewed for ongoing to a full high school sponsorship .
The student, chosen locally, is 6 years old Ilet Shirima, starting grade one. She lives in Kibosho at Singa Juu Village.
Education Project in Tanzania Peter Morrin 2023-04-05 04:00:00Z 0

A Tasty Presentation

Posted by Ashley Sloan
Two members of the Kemptville Rotary club, John and Cora Beking, hosted a special event during a Tuesday night meeting at the Grenville Mutual Building.  An El Salvador themed meal of rice topped with a sunny side up fresh egg, homemade refried beans, cheese filled papusas, and a dessert called cholado, was served to members and guests while John and Cora gave a presentation on their latest mission to El Salvador. This was their eighth mission, where they went to work on projects with people living in these communities to create and build partnerships, as well as long lasting friendships. Rosie and Trevor were their hosts during their mission in El Salvador and have worked on a few of these missions with them.
A Tasty Presentation Ashley Sloan 2023-04-04 04:00:00Z 0
Trip to El Salvador Project Fair Carol Cartier 2023-04-04 04:00:00Z 0
Kingston Rotaract Clothing Bazaar Francesco Ambrogi 2023-04-04 04:00:00Z 0
Shelterbox Kathy Mourtos 2023-04-04 04:00:00Z 0
Curling Canada Award given to Ken Thompson 2023-04-04 04:00:00Z 0
Blankets for Ukraine Gerhard Peters 2023-04-04 04:00:00Z 0

Global Grant 2232406 Vocational School;Abonsrakom, Bono Region, Ghana

Posted by Peter Labelle, Grants chair
The Primary Goal is to reduce unemployment and poverty by providing skills training in trades to youth. There are employment opportunities available in trades like masonry, carpentry, fashion design and personal care for people with the required skills. The project, in turn, would provide a means for graduates to earn a living income, reduce unemployment in the region and lift families out of poverty.
Global Grant 2232406 Vocational School;Abonsrakom, Bono Region, Ghana Peter Labelle, Grants chair 2023-02-19 05:00:00Z 0

Global Grant update

Posted by Peter Labelle, Grants chair
Global Grant #2119172 Karantina Public Hospital - Paediatric Ward and Operating Theater Equipment. Equipment finally being installed in the paediatric wing in Beirut.
Global Grant update Peter Labelle, Grants chair 2023-02-18 05:00:00Z 0

Ukraine blanket distribution

Posted by Peter Labelle, Grants chair
Recent blankets distributions in the severely destroyed village of Shchevchenkove, Ukraine. It is near the Russian border. Our district partnered with the Rotary Club of Kharkiv-New Level. The district matched contributions from clubs. Altogether we sent over $36,000 USD.
Ukraine blanket distribution Peter Labelle, Grants chair 2023-02-15 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary’s 7th Area of Focus: Spotlight on Lawns, Lights (and Colonialism)

Posted by Elsabe Falkson, Kingston
A D7040-wide endeavour to promote urban biodiversity is underway! It starts with two projects this Spring:  Lawns and Lights.
1. Lawns   (Bee Friendly No Mow May)
Homeowners are fiercely proud of their immaculate emerald green “weed-free” lawns. I too, am proud of my green lawn.  I love it when kids (now grandkids) rough and tumble on the lawn. To be honest, it is nice too, when the neighbors feel the grass is greener on my side of the fence.
Beyond the concept of the perfect (monoculture turfgrass) suburban lawn is a much more troubling environmental issue:  Monoculture lawns mean less biodiversity. Lawns are often maintained using chemicals (fertilizers) that leach into ecosystems, our homes and lakes, and rivers.  For many decades, companies (selling turfgrass and mechanical and chemical products to maintain lawns) advertised lawns, emphasizing this beauty, coupled with solid family and community values: Over time, “perfect” lawns became a part of social status. Thus comes the narrative that the picture-perfect suburban home (North America’s white picket fence, eh?) is incomplete without a neatly manicured lawn. Lawns are also very much a colonial heritage. Remember, before fossil-fueled mowers, trimmers, and blowers were invented, the work was done by slaves, minimum-wage labor, or exhausted owners with push-blade mowers and oversized rusty clippers. A colonial mindset, I’d wager.
Rotary’s 7th Area of Focus: Spotlight on Lawns, Lights (and Colonialism) Elsabe Falkson, Kingston 2023-02-06 05:00:00Z 0

Global Grant for the Porur Dialysis Clinic in Chennai. 

Posted by Heather Nogrady, Cataraqui-Kingston
Below is a link to an article by Rotarian Heather Nogrady on the RC Cataraqui-Kingston website. It is for a Global Grant that provides 10 dialysis machines and related equipment to the Porur Dialysis Clinic in Chennai. This $119,000 US project has 10 Rotary Clubs in 6 countries and 4 districts supporting it. For the host club, RC Chennai Galaxy, this is their first Global Grant.
As International Partner, RC Cataraqui-Kingston is thankful for the support of RC Montreal Lakeshore and of course our District 7040 for District Designated Funds as well as a diverse group of Rotary friends internationally.
Global Grant for the Porur Dialysis Clinic in Chennai. Heather Nogrady, Cataraqui-Kingston 2023-01-27 05:00:00Z 0

Global Scholar

Posted by Camille Bruggeman
Recently, I was asked to tell a few lines about my Canadian university experience. That is how I present myself to you today. My name is Camille and I am 25 years old. I studied law in Belgium, my country of origin. Very quickly, I knew that I wanted to put my studies at the service of certain causes that go beyond my Belgian national borders. Having grown up in a family with adopted siblings and coming from different backgrounds, I quickly developed a particular interest in international law, and more specifically international humanitarian law which aims to humanize armed conflicts around the world as much as possible, by offering minimal legal protection to the most vulnerable people. It was in this context that I applied to the master's program in this subject offered by the University of Ottawa. 
When it came to finding sources of funding to carry out these studies that have been close to my heart for a long time, I turned to Rotary, whose values and ambitions echo mine. Rotary allows students, whose academic ambitions are aligned with one or the other of the seven Rotary axes, to obtain a scholarship to cover the substantial costs of studying abroad.  With the precious support of my club in Belgium (the Plombières-Welkenraedt club), I was able to win first place in a competition for a district scholarship. Then, I had the chance to become a global grant scholar and receive the prestigious Rotary Foundation grant. 
At UOttawa, I am pursuing a study project that is related to the Rotary axis on preserving and promoting peace. Indeed, through my final thesis, I am interested in the armed conflicts currently taking place in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in North and South Kivu. In these conflicts, sexual violence is used on a massive scale for the purposes of, among other things, appropriating the country's wealth. Since widespread impunity is an element that leads to a continuation of this violence, I question the effectiveness of national and international criminal tribunals in caring for victims. I try, through the use of a feminist perspective, to propose ways to improve the response of the law to this violence. 
Global Scholar Camille Bruggeman 2023-01-03 05:00:00Z 0
Kingston Interact Clubs Natasia Kotsovolos 2023-01-03 05:00:00Z 0

A Rotary food service for the Greater Montreal area

Posted by Michele Herblin E-club Premier 7040, article from Rotary Canada
There are more than 671,000 monthly visits to Quebec food banks in 2022, with a significant increase in demand since 2019. In addition to the rise in job insecurity, the soaring cost of food is creating a profound sense of food insecurity. I asked myself: To help solve this problem, would it be possible to hold on to some of the millions of tons of food that are wasted each year in this country? 
Two events made me decide to get involved: the poignant words of a mother at an emergency food basket distribution organized by our Rotary Club, who had to choose between taking the bus to the grocery store or walking to pick up what she was given, and a delivery from a large food bank to a neighborhood community organization whose truck was full of chips, energy bars and sugary drinks.
A Rotary food service for the Greater Montreal area Michele Herblin E-club Premier 7040, article from Rotary Canada 2022-12-30 05:00:00Z 0

Ukraine Warm Blanket Project

Posted by Jane & Gerhard Peters, Arnprior
Have you been wondering what you could do to help suffering people in Ukraine?
The Arnprior Rotary Club is spearheading a District-wide project to Support Ukrainian Refugees by donating to the Warm Blanket Project - “WE WILL WARM UP UKRAINE IN A DIFFICULT HOUR.” This is a project created by the Rotary Club of Kharkiv-New Level in Ukraine.
Ukraine Warm Blanket Project Jane & Gerhard Peters, Arnprior 2022-12-16 05:00:00Z 0

How Did This Project Come About?

Posted by Jane Peters, Arnprior
Many of you may be aware that we are raising funds to make and distribute Blankets in Ukraine - this project is an initiative by the Rotary Club of Kharkiv in Ukraine. Last August, the Rotary Club of Arnprior held a Silent Auction at our inaugural Tarts and Arts Festival at Robert Simpson Park with proceeds going to this project.
Gerhard learned of this project by talking with Ukrainian Rotarian, Olga Lalovenko, who we had met in Houston, Texas last June during the Rotary International Convention there. She had just presented John Hewko, Rotary International’s current General Secretary, a pair of the Snake Island Stamps, which celebrates the infamous reaction to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
How Did This Project Come About? Jane Peters, Arnprior 2022-12-16 05:00:00Z 0

Brazil Trip

Posted by Carol Cartier
PGD Fay Campbell (Rotary Club of Orleans), Doug Bickerton (Gananoque Club), Laurie Bickerton (friend of Rotary), Pete Burrell and Carol Cartier (Kingston Club), led by Alonso Campoi, a Rotarian from Brazil embarked on an ITHF adventure of a lifetime.
ITHF exists to promote and facilitate regional, national and international "connections" between its members. ITHF members travel to all different parts of the world and host members from all other parts. These connections and cross-cultural exchange enrich members' lives."
The trip began with a city tour of Sao Paulo and its colourful and inviting fruit markets selling such blends as kiwi banana fruits. The famous ‘mile high’ bologna sandwich and pasteles (fried pastries stuffed with delicious fillings) were also in abundance.
A short plane ride found us in Foz do Iguaçu where we visited the huge Itaipu Dam providing electricity to both Brazil and Paraguay. A three-country sunset cruise finished our first day at Iguazu Falls.
Brazil Trip Carol Cartier 2022-12-05 05:00:00Z 0

Clothing Drive

Posted by Francesco Ambrogi
A Winter Clothing Drive for Refugees
The main goal of our Kingston Rotaract Club this year is to give support to all refugees in our community. Beginning on July 12th,, we began a close collaboration with KEYS, a registered charity that is doing an amazing job in engaging and supporting newcomers in Kingston.
Some of the refugee families, especially the ones coming from Ukraine, arrived here during the summer/fall with as little as a backpack due to the hurry at which they had to leave their home country. Being an international student myself and having moved from a much warmer country to Canada, I learned on my skin how tough Canadian winter can be if someone is not well prepared. For this reason, our Club had to help solve this problem!
Clothing Drive Francesco Ambrogi 2022-12-05 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Sailing Trip

Posted by Elena Krushinskaya, D2223, Russia
Rotarian Vladimir Korsun (RC Yekaterinburg) has a very interesting hobby - organizing cruise tours on sailing yachts. He has already taken his friends to the Seychelles, the Caribbean, the Norwegian fjords, crossed the Aegean from Greece to Turkey. Vladimir had plans to organize an international Rotary sailing tour, but every time the pandemic interfered.
The dream of such a tour came true in Turkey in October of this year, when Rotarians from three countries and from four different Clubs met on the snow-white yacht Kairos: Canada, Russia, Uzbekistan; Rotary Club of Yekaterinburg, Rotary Club of Snezhinsk, Rotary Club of West Ottawa (RCWO), and the D7040 Passport Club!
We ordered polo shirts with the symbols of Rotary and yachting, and the flag of our club (RC Yekaterinburg), which was raised to the Rotary anthem in a solemn atmosphere.
The first to sign up for the tour were our Canadian friends Simmy and Pardeep Ahluwalia from the D7040 Passport Club and the RCWO, who in the spring of 2019 hosted Rotarians from our club in Ottawa and lived at Vladimir’s house when they were in Yekaterinburg later that year. They were joined by their friends, Gina (Girija) and Vijay Dube (RCWO). The rest of the team decided to join the cruise in mid-August, and preparations for our tour began.
The Dream Team - that's how Captain Vladimir called his “crew”. Everyone is so different, but with the same life values.
Direct and rejoicing in everything, like a child, and always ready to help Bakhtiyor; only a strong pitching and seasickness that overtook him could delay the preparation of pilaf. Unusual Sasha, noticing the smallest details. Restless and enterprising Lena, who organizes everyone and everything and generates ideas. Strategist Sergei, who at first wanted to teach everyone how to play chess, but quickly changed his mind and surprised everyone with his card game. Inventing sparkling jokes on the go, a real orator Pardeep. The flamboyant Simmy, our freelance photographer, has a lot of interesting Bollywood stories to her credit, and calmly prepared lunch when the yacht was tossed from one side to the other in three-meter waves. Vijay, a high-tech entrepreneur, meditated while washing dishes and the yacht every day, generating new business ideas. Modest Gina, who carefully observes everyone, understands everyone, and teaches English. Beautiful, seemingly fragile, but strong in spirit Christina; how much courage one must have to stand aft in a storm, steer the sail, and guide the anchor! And Captain Vladimir, who organized such a wonderful trip, always resolute and confident, sometimes serious, but more often smiling, showing excellent professional skills.
Of the 10 participants in the tour, 8 were on a yacht for the first time and had little idea of ​​what awaited them. Everyone was united by the desire to see new places, test themselves and show the Rotary brotherhood.  We were waiting for the romance of travel, stunning landscapes, clear azure sea, cloudless sky, delicious local cuisine and an unforgettable yachting atmosphere.
Rotary Sailing Trip Elena Krushinskaya, D2223, Russia 2022-11-04 04:00:00Z 0

Kingston Rotaract Club

Posted by Francesco Ambrogi
Moving to another country is the most tiring effort one can make. Barriers beyond the physical boundaries must be crossed: language barriers, cultural barriers, social barriers. This effort is even greater when you did not choose to move in the first place, and yet you had to abandon your homeland.
With this thought in mind, the Rotaract Club of Kingston decided to commit to provide help to refugees and families coming from Ukraine to our community. As of July 12th 2022, our Club started a tight collaboration with the Refugee Resettlement Service recently opened in Kingston by KEYS; since then, we actively meet to discuss and develop our service.
Canada has announced the Canada-Ukraine authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) along with an expedited immigration process for Ukrainians with family already in Canada. As of today, 49 families from Ukraine have been welcomed in our community and many more will arrive over the fall and winter.
Kingston Rotaract Club Francesco Ambrogi 2022-11-04 04:00:00Z 0

Ottawa South Golf Tournament

Posted by Scott Vetter, Ottawa South
Like many Rotary clubs, Rotary Ottawa South is essentially rebuilding our events. COVID did more than halt group interactions for two years, it changed lives and routines which altered the dynamic of our club – simply picking up where we left off in 2019 wasn't an option. We owe great thanks to a handful of dedicated members who led the golf committee through many months of planning and preparation. We were fortunate to have strong volunteer support from the club and "Friends" and we're grateful to the golfers and sponsors and their enthusiasm for the event.
Everyone who attended had a wonderful time: golfers relished a challenging and beautiful course; volunteers enjoyed participating; and sponsors appreciated the opportunity to support the BGC Ottawa and Rotary Ottawa South.
We're grateful to be able to hold our charity golf tournament again. Bringing people together to appreciate those who are serving our community and support them in their initiatives is at the core of many Rotary functions ... and we seem to have much fun in the process! See for yourself : 
Ottawa South Golf Tournament Scott Vetter, Ottawa South 2022-10-02 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Bytown Car Rally

Posted by Annabelle Salas, Ottawa Bytown
On September 25th, the Rotary Club of Ottawa Bytown Car Rally took place.  The Club partnered with the Ottawa Home Foundation to raise funds and have fun in a nice event that allowed participants to enjoy the Ottawa landscape while performing tasks with family and friends.  This year the path took participants to visit great places along the Rideau Canal.  At Merrickville , participants were able to enjoy the beautiful town while learnings about its historic background.  The Rally started at the Ottawa Rotary Home and ended at the same place, where participants and organizers enjoyed drinks and snacks while sharing their adventures during the Rally.
The Club gives special thanks to the sponsors which included:  Carp Self Storage, Morris Home Hardware, Ampos Orthopaedics and Pilypaitis Nobbs Wealth Management Group.  Thanks is extended to donors:  L.A. and Bill Palamar, Manotick Place Retirement and Miller Apartments, Baldachin Restaurant and Inn, Rocco Disipio, Production Case Company, Bushtukah, Charles Mossman, Benjamin Butmir and Scott Vetter.
Rotary Club of Bytown Car Rally Annabelle Salas, Ottawa Bytown 2022-10-02 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary is back in Gananoque

Posted by Barbara Fisk
Gananoque Rotary Club is BACK – “Babybacks”, that is…. RIBFEST 2022-A GREAT SUCCESS!!
After a 2 year hiatus Gananoque saw the return of the Town’s most popular fundraising festival on the July 1st weekend!  Splendid weather graced the 4 day event of finger lickin’, mouth watering, lip smacking, yummy ribs, all on offer from 4 professional “ribbers”. This annual event, co-hosted with our friends the town’s Lion club, brought out locals and tourists by the hundreds and the newly instituted “Toonie at the Gate” fazed virtually no one!  Smiles abounded as young and old passed through the gates at our new location behind the Lou Jeffries/TLTI Recreation Centre.
Rotary is back in Gananoque Barbara Fisk 2022-08-19 04:00:00Z 0

Seaway West Rotarians Helping to Settle Refugees

Posted by Sam MacLeod - Rotary Club of Kingston
About seven years ago, an article circulated showing the image of a young boy, who laid lifeless on a beach along the edge of the Mediterranean Sea. The boy was identified as Alan Kurdi, a child who had drowned as his family attempted to flee the war in Syria. The image and article had a profound effect on my wife and I and we found ourselves pacing around our newly purchased home, staring into empty bedrooms, and trying to figure out if there was anything we could do. And so, around midnight, we decided to see if we might be able to host someone from Syria looking for a place of refuge and to help them settle in our town.
Seaway West Rotarians Helping to Settle Refugees Sam MacLeod - Rotary Club of Kingston 2022-07-05 04:00:00Z 0
Labyrinth at the W.J. Bell Rotary Peace Park Marion Mossman, President Ottawa-Stittsville 2022-05-28 04:00:00Z 0

District Literacy

Posted by Jacinthe Paille
Welcome to the Literacy page! The link below will take you to a plethora of information related to literacy, such as club projects, news, statistics, and more.
As your District Literacy Chair since 2021, I am pleased to offer presentations to clubs in English and French (in person or virtually). Throughout the years, I hosted a Diverse Book Club (in English, virtual) and was invited to share my knowledge in education, books and reading.
I am always happy to discuss ways clubs can promote literacy (and a love of reading) by sharing some of the activities I do, such as being a steward to 4 Little Free Libraries, hosting a podcast on books and reading, organizing a literary festival, and more!
Jacinthe Paillé
District Literacy Chair
District Literacy Jacinthe Paille 2022-05-03 04:00:00Z 0

Grant Scholarship committee is pleased to announce Caitlin Grady

Posted by Katie Burke, Scholarship Chair
The District 7040 Global Grant Scholarship committee is pleased to announce that Caitlin Grady, a native of Chelsea QC and endorsed by the RC Ottawa South, has been selected as the D 7040 Global Grant Scholar for 2022-23.
Caitlin, who  speaks English and French, graduated from the CEGEP de l'Outaouais in Gatineau, and from Dalhousie University in Halifax with a degree in Environment, Sustainability & Society and Biology with a minor in Political Science.  She received the Loran Award for undergraduate studies as well as the McCall MacBain International Fellowship which enabled her to learn Spanish and complete her studies in Costa Rica.  She currently works for CPAWS and will pursue her studies at Sciences Po, the School of International Affairs in Paris, France.
Caitlin's Area of Focus is Environment; she plans to pursue a career in international environmental policy and hopes to be able work for the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) through support for the development and implementation of global climate and biodiversity agreements.
Grant Scholarship committee is pleased to announce Caitlin Grady Katie Burke, Scholarship Chair 2022-05-03 04:00:00Z 0

Become a Mental Health First Aid Facilitator – Virtually!

Since the shift to online learning began at the start of the pandemic, The Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) team at the MHCC has been inundated with requests to develop a virtual (remote) version of its popular Facilitator Certification Training program. Until recently, the program has only been available for in person sessions across Canada. So far over 1,400 facilitators have successfully completed the program, with many more expected to sign up in the coming months as the virtual version of the course launches to the public this May.
Become a Mental Health First Aid Facilitator – Virtually! 2022-05-02 04:00:00Z 0

The Rotary Club of Westmount - Helping Ukrainian Refugees in Romania

Posted by Susan Buscemi, President Westmount

The Ukrainian tragedy has mobilized Rotarians worldwide to do what they do best - take action in service to those in need. The Rotary Club of Westmount in Quebec received a plea for assistance in March from a partnership of five Romanian Rotary clubs helping Ukrainian refugees pouring across their border. The need was sudden and urgent, as women, children, and the elderly found themselves ripped from their homes and facing uncertainty in another country. Our fellow Rotarians in Iași stepped forward to provide front line medical attention, food, accommodation, translation services, legal assistance, and more.

The Rotary Club of Westmount - Helping Ukrainian Refugees in Romania Susan Buscemi, President Westmount 2022-05-02 04:00:00Z 0

Statement by Chair of the Rotary Action Group for Peace

Posted by Fabio Carballo

Dear Peacebuilders,

Further to the statement from the RAGFP issued on 13th February (We in the Rotary Action Group represent Rotarians of all nations and ethnicities.  We all share one language, and that is the language of peace.  We do not support violence and war as a solution to conflict and differences.)

I should like to assure you that we in the Rotary Action Group for Peace, through our Past Chair and other Directors, are doing all that we can to support Rotarians and Rotaractors at this time of uncertainty. We have been doing this through attendance at international Rotary and Rotaract meetings, offering advice and support. We too support the initiative of Rotary International and their Task Force in supplying humanitarian aid to Ukraine and neighbouring countries who have been taking in many refugees.

We are reminded at this time of the urgency of our mission i.e., the prevention of conflict.  We therefore invite more Rotarians to join us in the Rotary Action Group for Peace so that together we may grow this movement for peace.

Statement by Chair of the Rotary Action Group for Peace Fabio Carballo 2022-03-19 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary International statement on Ukraine conflict

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It is a tragic and sad time for the people of Ukraine and the world.

At Rotary, we are deeply concerned by the deteriorating situation in Ukraine and the escalating loss of life and humanitarian hardship there. Continued military action against Ukraine will not only devastate the region, but also risk spreading tragic consequences across Europe and the world.

As one of the world’s largest humanitarian organizations, we have made peace the cornerstone of our global mission. We join the international community in calling for an immediate cease fire, withdrawal of Russian forces, and a restoration of diplomatic efforts to resolve this conflict through dialogue.

In the past decade, Rotary clubs in Ukraine, Russia and nearby countries have transcended national differences and have actively engaged in peace-building projects to promote goodwill and to marshal assistance for the victims of war and violence. Today, our thoughts are with our fellow Rotary members and others in Ukraine coping with these tragic events. Rotary International will do everything in its power to bring aid, support and peace to the region.

Rotary International statement on Ukraine conflict 2022-03-01 05:00:00Z 0

Connecting With Former Youth Exchange Students

Posted by Bill Egnatoff, Cataraqui-Kingston
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August 25, the Rotary Club of Cataraqui-Kingston had quite a few guests at their Zoom meeting. Two COVID benefits are reaching out and connecting through online meetings. Members had suggested reaching out to past YX students. Marioly was an obvious choice; she left a real mark on our club. She arrived in 2005.
Past Youth Exchange Students present - Dulce Milay 2010-2011 YX to Gananoque (now living in Toronto), Marioly Sanchez, Venezuela YX 2005-2006 from Venezuela – Speaker, Iasmin Mendes. YX 2013-2014 from Brazil, Gabriela Calizaya Catacora YX 2011-12, Perú 
Visiting Rotarians and past Rotarians present - Rob Campbell C-KR member 2001-2008, RC Renfrew 2010-13, Marioly’s host parent, Joe Fontes, Renfrew RC, Past District chair for YX, hosted 10 YX students including Marioly’s brother, Kathleen Lofthouse, Renfrew RC, host for Marioly and for brother Manuel, Elsabé Falkson. RC Kingston
Connecting With Former Youth Exchange Students Bill Egnatoff, Cataraqui-Kingston 2020-10-04 04:00:00Z 0

Une école en Tanzanie

Posted by Philippe-Olivier Kaul-Méledje, Montreal Ville-Marie
English version below
Le Club Rotary Montréal Ville-Marie est fier d’avoir contribué à la construction d’une école en Tanzanie, réalisée par les jeunes du PRÉCI de l’École de technologie supérieure.
Cette belle réalisation va permettre la scolarisation de 150 enfants de la région de Nainokanoka.
Au-delà d’une expérience unique et très enrichissante pour ces futurs ingénieurs, les retombées de ce projet pour la communauté locale sont inestimables. De nombreux enfants vont pouvoir découvrir les joies d’apprendre et de s’instruire.
Encore merci à eux, mais également à vous qui continuez à soutenir nos actions.
Une école en Tanzanie Philippe-Olivier Kaul-Méledje, Montreal Ville-Marie 2020-10-03 04:00:00Z 0

Apple Picking

Posted by Lawrence Cantrill, Montreal-Lakeshore
For several years, the Rotary Club of Montreal Lakeshore has donated to local food banks. This, being the year of the Pandemic the need for support has been greater than ever.
At our regular meetings we have lunch. As we cannot meet in person, some of our members donated the cost of their meals to the food banks. This money along with a District Grant went to the West Island Mission and the On Rock Ministries food banks.
To help further, three members from the club on one of our last days of summer went apple picking at. The fruits of their labour were donated to the On Rock Ministries Food Bank which now feeds 1,000 people per week due to the pandemic. During these C.O.V.I.D. times apple picking was a safe way to volunteer our time whilst enjoying the outdoors in safety.
The first picture shows Maureen Cantrill and Lawrence Cantrill picking apples.
The second picture shows Brenda Scalzo (the third picker) delivering the fruits of our labour to the On Rock Food Bank at Pierrefonds, Montreal.
Apple Picking Lawrence Cantrill, Montreal-Lakeshore 2020-10-02 04:00:00Z 0

Le Club Rotary de Valleyfield (Québec) : 75 Ans de Services à la Communauté !

Posted by Michel Laniel Valleyfield
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From RotaryCanada, English version below
Le CLUB ROTARY DE VALLEYFIELD célèbre en 2020 ses 75 ans d’existence. Il a été fondé en juin 1945 – à la fin de la deuxième grande guerre – par quelques hommes d’affaires de la région qui partageaient la vision et les objectifs du ROTARY INTERNATIONAL et qui cultivaient l’idéal de SERVIR D’ABORD !  Le club de Valleyfield a toujours été très actif dans son milieu et reconnu comme un regroupement de personnes grandement impliquées dans leur communauté.
Souper homard 2017
Lobster Dinner 2017
Souper homard 2019
Lobster Dinner 2019
Le Club Rotary de Valleyfield (Québec) : 75 Ans de Services à la Communauté ! Michel Laniel Valleyfield 2020-10-01 04:00:00Z 0

Save Our Legion campaign incredibly successful – Committee presents $83,000 cheque to Branch 353

Posted by Terry Fleurie, Staff writer, Eganville Leader
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For three quarters of a century, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 353, Eganville, has not only been supporting military veterans and their families, it has also served as the hub of community activities and has donated thousands of dollars to worthwhile causes.
Last Friday afternoon, the extended community that has benefitted from that generosity and support for 75 years, said Thank You in great style when the Save Our Legion campaign committee presented a cheque for $83,000 to the humbled Legion officials.
Save Our Legion campaign incredibly successful – Committee presents $83,000 cheque to Branch 353 Terry Fleurie, Staff writer, Eganville Leader 2020-09-30 04:00:00Z 0

Bacon on a Bun

Posted by John Wilson, Renfrew
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Our Club's largest fundraiser has been selling Bacon on a Bun at our annual Town of Renfrew, Ontario, Fall Fair.  Because of covid-19, the fair was cancelled so we thought we had lost all that revenue (approximately $18,000). One of our members, Janet Springer, had the great idea to do a drive through ‘Bacon on a Bun’ day.  She and fellow member, Doug Ryan, started organizing to make this happen. At a regular Club Meeting, (held via Zoom because of the pandemic), several members stepped forward to help organize this activity. Many new ideas blossomed forth from their discussions. They developed a plan to make deliveries to the many businesses that support us on one day and sales to the general public the next day.  It is very difficult to estimate how much we would sell however the organizers were confident that sales would be great.  Many people have told us over the years that they attend the fair just to get a Bacon on a Bun from our booth.  So, they decided to order 80 boxes of bacon which is half of the bacon we normally sell for the five-day fair.  The meat supplier thought we had set our sights too high, but we did it anyway.
Bacon on a Bun John Wilson, Renfrew 2020-09-30 04:00:00Z 0

Covid-19 Food Security Project  - Rotary in Kingston

Posted by Ana Sutherland, Seaway West AG
As part of our final delivery week of food boxes, we were given 280 backpacks and school supplies for the children in our families through the United Way at no cost.
Rotarians in Kingston purchased an additional 120 backpacks with supplies in order to cover the families requesting the donation.
This project was exceptionally rewarding and it has cemented the long-term collaboration of the six clubs in Kingston.
The great news is that all the kids that needed a new Back Pack received one. Great work accomplished by Rotarians to benefit the community.
Covid-19 Food Security Project - Rotary in Kingston Ana Sutherland, Seaway West AG 2020-09-04 04:00:00Z 0

News from Area Clubs

Posted by DG Hadi Mortada
Despite all the challenges that we are facing during these difficult times, I started my official club visits. I had a few official visits in person. I also attended a couple of outdoor social gatherings where I had the pleasure to be part of clubs' official changeovers and awards presentations. Physical distancing was observed. I have visited a few others virtually. Some were official visits and others were social visits to say hello and stay up to date on their activities.
News from Area Clubs DG Hadi Mortada 2020-09-04 04:00:00Z 0

Rotaract de l'île de Montréal

Posted by Olivier Frasson

A Rotaract Treasure Hunt

For our second meeting of the year, the executive concocted its members a little treasure hunt across Montreal! 
Three different routes were offered to the teams, so that each of them would go through different iconic places in the city. Through these places and a few puzzles, our members had to find the place where the meeting would take place: the clock dock, on the edge of the St-Laurent.
Last week, our past-president was alongside E-Club Premier to help them with the latest grocery basket distribution, at Carrefour Populaire, for the poorest families in the St-Michel district. This initiative was launched last March by the Rotary Clubs of Montreal. A total of 5.8 tons of food were distributed which helped around 600 families! Rotary / Haiti joint action review since April 2020: 7200 kg of food distributed to families and elders in Saint Michel, community kitchens and a homeless shelter.
Rotaract de l'île de Montréal Olivier Frasson 2020-08-31 04:00:00Z 0

My Exchange

Posted by Gabriella Fera, Rotex
Going on an exchange was something I never thought I would do. Since my parents were both exchange students, they would always ask if it was something I was interested in, but the answer I always gave them was no. It wasn’t until we were having lunch with one of their friends they met through exchange, and I heard all of their amazing stories that I started to wonder, am I making a giant mistake by turning down this amazing opportunity? The answer to that was a huge yes. Luckily, I was able to get into the program just in time, and after many helpful orientations I was off to start my journey in Copenhagen, Denmark.
My Exchange Gabriella Fera, Rotex 2020-08-23 04:00:00Z 0
Hawkesbury Rotary performs Suzanne Hocquard, Hawkesbury 2020-07-29 04:00:00Z 0

Spring cleaning at W. J. Bell Rotary Peace Park, Stittsville

Posted by Wendy Adams, Ottawa-Stittsville
Stittsville Rotarians met in-person on Jul 21, 2020 for the first time since the pandemic was declared in March 2020. Following Covid-19 guidelines, together they cleaned up the W.J. Bell Rotary Peace Park at 1751 Stittsville Main Street, pulling weeds and making the park like new again.
Les Rotariens de Stittsville se sont rencontrés en personne le 21 juillet 2020 pour la première fois depuis la déclaration de la pandémie en mars 2020. Suivant les lignes directrices de Covide-19, ensemble, ils ont nettoyé le parc de la paix du Rotary W.J. Bell au 1751, rue Principale de Stittsville, tirant les mauvaises herbes et faisant du parc un parc nouveau.
Spring cleaning at W. J. Bell Rotary Peace Park, Stittsville Wendy Adams, Ottawa-Stittsville 2020-07-26 04:00:00Z 0

Thank you all

Posted by Karla Ojeda, 15-16 Youth Exchange Student

Karla Ojeda was a Youth Exchange student from Venezuela to Cornwall Sunrise. After she returned home, the troubles in her country began. The Cornwall Sunrise club raised funds and arranged for her to return to Cornwall where she has been studying for the last two years at St. Lawrence College. She wrote to some of us about her experiences.

It is interesting how hard it is sometimes to put your thoughts and emotions into words.
A few weeks ago, I finished my program. There are mixed feelings, lots of questions but mainly so much to thank. I look back now, and ask, where did the last two years go? They went by in the blink of an eye and now I am a Social Service Worker.
Thank you all Karla Ojeda, 15-16 Youth Exchange Student 2020-07-03 04:00:00Z 0

Seventh Avenue of Service Announced

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More than $18 million in Foundation global grant funding has been allocated to environment-related projects over the past five years. Creating a distinct area of focus to support the environment will give Rotary members even more ways to bring about positive change in the world and increase our impact.
Supporting the environment becomes Rotary's seventh area of focus, which are categories of service activities supported by global grants. It joins peacebuilding and conflict prevention; disease prevention and treatment; water, sanitation, and hygiene; maternal and child health; basic education and literacy; and community economic development.
Grant applications for projects will be accepted beginning on 1 July 2021. Gifts and commitments from Rotarians and others will be sought to provide global grant support for the new area of focus.
More information about this new cause will be announced soon.
Seventh Avenue of Service Announced 2020-07-03 04:00:00Z 0

Potsdam donates to Food Bank


Potsdam Rotary Club President Duane Pelkey (right) presents a $1,000 donation to Potsdam Neighborhood Center Director Kristal Hayes at a safe social distance. The gift will be used by the Neighborhood Center food bank for COVID-19 relief. #RotaryResponds

Potsdam donates to Food Bank 2020-05-25 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Kingston’s COVID-19 Project

Posted by Paul Elsley, Kingston
Summary of Rotary Kingston’s COVID-19 Project
Collaboration between: Isthmus, Food Sharing Project & Rotary
Last year, over 16,000 children at 87 schools in Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington  were fed at school either a snack, breakfast or lunch or in some cases all three through the food provided by The Food Sharing Project, and over 200 young students from five high-needs schools received small food hampers each weekend. Food insecurity is a serious concern in our community and, according to the Partners in Mission Food Bank here, of the participants in the Food Bank hamper program, a staggering 34% are children. With the onset of the pandemic, schools have been closed with no prospect of them reopening this academic year, so these children are not able to access food through established Student Nutrition Programs. Food Banks are trying to cope with an increased surge in demand and extended wait times.
Rotary Kingston’s COVID-19 Project Paul Elsley, Kingston 2020-05-22 04:00:00Z 0

Education To Change The Lives Of Children In A Nairobi Slum School

Posted by Alan Fox, Eganville
Rotary Club Of Eganville Charitable Trust Project Report
We have been fundraising for the last year and have received support from the Rotary Clubs of Chesterville, Gananoque, Kingston, Montreal Lakeshore, Cataraqui-Kingston, West Ottawa, Pembroke and North Renfrew as well as The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) and the Fellowship of the Least Coin (the World Council of Churches).  Donations have also been received from many individuals who support this project.  Thank You! Alan and Mona Fox
Education To Change The Lives Of Children In A Nairobi Slum School Alan Fox, Eganville 2020-05-04 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club Of Ottawa-Stittsville Delivers Friendship Boxes Dave Rooke, Ottawa-Stittsville 2020-04-23 04:00:00Z 0

The Rotary Club of Nepean-Kanata (RCNK) has come back to service

Posted by Dinakar Vaidya, Nepean-Kanata
After a brief pause for two weeks in March, the Rotary Club of Nepean-Kanata (RCNK) has come back to service via ZOOM online video meeting in early April. It is an absolute pleasure to see most members join in and find out that all are healthy and well including their family and friends. For most of us, it was a new experience to attend club meeting online from the comfort of our own house, nevertheless all were very excited and enthusiastic on what we as a club can do to help communities in need.
The Rotary Club of Nepean-Kanata (RCNK) has come back to service Dinakar Vaidya, Nepean-Kanata 2020-04-23 04:00:00Z 0

Saranac Lake Rotary Literacy Program

Posted by Diane Tkach, Saranac Lake
Literacy is an initiative we as a club are proud to put our name on. We believe that reading is the only way out of poverty. Having books in the home; encouraging reading and literacy at a young age; adults reading and being role models – these are all statistically proven to set the stage for an exciting learning curve as children from birth are introduced to books and reading.
In the mid 1990’s club member Esther Arlan started the beginnings of a literacy program in the Saranac Lake school system. Esther is on one of the photos in the collage with current member Mitch Smith – looking at a book and laughing. By the time she and her husband, PDG Lionel, retired and moved away she had laid the foundation with the schools to allow us to come in and do something with a literacy focus.
Saranac Lake Rotary Literacy Program Diane Tkach, Saranac Lake 2020-04-16 04:00:00Z 0

An update from our Global Scholar studying in NYC this year

Posted by Rym Laoufi, 19-20 Global Scholar
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A few weeks ago I came back to Montreal for Spring break and due to Coronavirus developments, I decided to stay home for a longer period. While things have not always been easy, I am now in the way of completing my degree through Zoom in order to, hopefully, graduate in May.
This virus has turned many of our lives upside down. For me, it meant putting a sudden end to an incredible experience in New York as well as dealing with unforeseen financial and academic challenges. In the midst of this, however, I became increasingly aware of how privileged I am to benefit from strong family support in Montreal. Once good weather finally settles in the city, I can also enjoy walks by the river and working under the sun in the garden.
My thoughts are therefore with all those students who are separated from their loved ones and, for various reasons, remain in NYC on their own. I want to thank everybody at Rotary who made my stay in NYC an amazing time from members of District 7040 to the New York Chinatown Rotary Club as well as all other wonderful Rotarians and Rotaractors I met in my American journey. As we say in French, ce n'est qu'un au revoir! I will be back in the Big Apple sooner rather than later (having left most of my things there ;) ). I wish us all brighter days to come.
An update from our Global Scholar studying in NYC this year Rym Laoufi, 19-20 Global Scholar 2020-04-16 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Clubs Visit the All in One Child Development Centre

Posted by Caroline DeWitt, West Ottawa
President Elect Caroline DeWitt of the Rotary Club of West Ottawa reading and showing pictures to the children of the All in One Child Development Centre.
From left to right: Ms. Charmaine Anderson – Principal of All in One Child Development Centre, President Elect Caroline DeWitt – Rotary Club of West Ottawa, President Anthony John-Baptiste – Rotary Club of Central Port of Spain, Ms. Susan Philip – Service Projects Chairperson and Mr. Peter Aleong – Chairman of the Board, All in One Child Development Centre.
President Elect Caroline DeWitt of the Rotary Club of West Ottawa and President Anthony John-Baptiste of the Rotary Club of Central Port of Spain along with Past President Nicole Matouk and Service Projects Chairperson, Susan Philip, interacting with the children.
President Elect Caroline DeWitt second from right presenting school supplies and chocolates to the principal Ms. Charmaine Anderson and the teachers of the All in One Child Development Centre.
Rotary Clubs Visit the All in One Child Development Centre Caroline DeWitt, West Ottawa 2020-04-06 04:00:00Z 0

ShelterBox and Rotary

Posted by Tom Deuson (Watertown)
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Since 2000, ShelterBox has provided shelter, warmth, and dignity following more than 300 disasters in over 100 countries. We respond urgently to earthquake, volcano, flood, hurricane, cyclone, tsunami, or conflict by delivering boxes of essential shelter, aid and other life-saving supplies. Each iconic green ShelterBox contains a disaster relief tent for an extended family, blankets, a water filtration system, emergency lighting, and other tools for survival.
What began as a local connection with one Cornish Rotary Club in the United Kingdom has led to an international movement that’s raised over $68 million for ShelterBox to date – enough for 140,000 ShelterBox family tents or 390,000 ShelterKits.
ShelterBox and Rotary Tom Deuson (Watertown) 2020-02-26 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Brockville Donates $25,000 to Jumpstart

Posted by Doreen Barnes (1000 Islands)
On Thursday, February 13, the two Rotary Clubs in Brockville presented Canadian Tire (Brockville and Prescott) owners Alex and Beatriz Joannides, a cheque for $25,000 towards their program Jumpstart. Canadian Tire Jumpstart believes that children, ages 4 to 18, should have equal access to sports and physical activity. Over 70 activities related to hockey, dance, climbing, swimming and other sports are included in their funding program for children. In 2018, 971 children in this area were assisted with a disbursement of $50,168. Canadian Tire Jumpstart is Giving Kids a Sporting Chance!
From left to right are, President Shelley McCaffrey of the Rotary Club of the 1000 Islands, Rotarian Ray Marshall, Canadian Tire owners Alex Joannides, Beatriz Arias-Joannides, President David Keenleyside of the Rotary Club of Brockville, Canadian Tire Human Resources/Office Manager Gabriele Wickens and General Manager Jerry Wickens.
Rotary Brockville Donates $25,000 to Jumpstart Doreen Barnes (1000 Islands) 2020-02-21 05:00:00Z 0

Kingston Rotarians Welcome Newcomers!

Posted by Lucille Davies (Kingston)
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We have four Rotary Clubs in Kingston, Ontario – Cataraqui-Kingston, Frontenac, Kingston, and Kingston-Waterfront – covering all three meal times of the day, plus the cocktail hour. Our oldest club, RC Kingston, was chartered in April, 1921, and this year we begin a 4-Club joint celebration of ‘100 Years of Rotary in Kingston’!
While we are very proud of our beautiful city, sitting on Lake Ontario, with our historical sites and trendy boutiques, we are most appreciative of our people. Kingstonians come from all corners of the world, tastily reflected in the multicultural cuisine of our many restaurants. So, one of our dozen or so Centennial Projects has to be a celebration of our local population, in particular, our newest Kingstonians.
Kingston Rotarians Welcome Newcomers! Lucille Davies (Kingston) 2020-02-21 05:00:00Z 0

Aid for Chernobyl / Aide pour Chernobyl



Shown is a picture of the Rotarians from both Brockville Clubs that were able to help on the packing night, this past Wednesday evening, Jan. 8, 2020.

Montrée est une image des rotariens des deux clubs de Brockville qui pouvaient aider la nuit d’emballage, ce passé mercredi soir, le 8 janvier 2020.
Aid for Chernobyl / Aide pour Chernobyl 2020-01-16 05:00:00Z 0
Conference Sponsors